For the Birds

We started feeding backyard birds over 20 years ago as a way to keep our strictly-indoor cats entertained. The original name of the bird feeder was Phoebe’s Phly-In Caphé, in honor of our first Russian Blue cat. The feeders gave Phoebe and her brothers (Roscoe, followed by Jasper, followed by Luka) hours of tail-wagging and chirping at the birds and squirrels. Neli has taken over Phoebe’s place in birdwatching.

Phoebe, the original Tsarina and birdwatcher of our home.

Phoebe, the original birdwatcher of our home.

The birds we have here in Bothell are more diverse than what we had in Dallas, Greensboro, or even in Seattle. For one thing, we don’t have cardinals. We have a subspecies of chickadees called chestnut-backed chickadees. We have a species of hummingbird that winters here rather than flying south. And then we have our friendly neighborhood bald eagles. One could say that we feed them indirectly, although they seem to be more interested in the carp in the river.

In search of dinner.

In search of dinner.


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