I Shouldn’t Have to Write This

Another day, another mass shooting with a military-style assault rifle. The shooting in Orlando was different in scale and target than the others. Forty-nine people in a gay nightclub were gunned down in a horrific three-hour siege. The police managed to drive an armored vehicle through the wall of the club and kill the gunman before more lives were lost.
How many more people have to die before Congress acts to limit access to these weapons? Will it take shootings in every district? As I said earlier, assault weapons are not for game hunting; their sole purpose is mass murder with minimal skills. Call or email your representatives. Remember that every congressional seat is up for grabs this November. VOTE. The forty-nine people who were killed on Sunday morning had their right to vote taken away by use of an assault rifle. Honor their memories by making sure that these weapons aren’t available to the next deranged person who wants to kill people.

Permanent link to this article: http://ediblethoughts.com/2016/06/13/i-shouldnt-have-to-write-this/

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