En Route to Lyon

We made it to Lyon, but not without a little suspense: Would our luggage be joining us? We started off at Sea-Tac Airpot. When we checked our luggage at the Air Canada desk, the attendant said that we’d have to claim and recheck it in Vancouver or Montreal. We asked several other people before we took off if that was the case, and nobody could give us a straight answer.

The Vancouver Airport gives Dallas-Fort Worth and O’Hare competition in the unnavigable department. You walk, walk, walk through a maze to get anywhere; then you do more walking. Signage sucks. How anyone can navigate that airport with a mobility impairment to make a flight is beyond my comprehension. To be fair, Vancouver is the only West Coast hub airport in Canada. Growing pains are a part of life; however, hiring someone from the Franz Kafka School of Airport Design is not a good idea to stimulate repeat business. An Air Canada person in Vancouver assured us that the luggage was checked to Lyon, but we were still dubious.

After the wild chase in Vancouver, the Montreal airport was an island of sanity. We found our gate for the flight to Lyon without issue. I was hoping to get a Montreal smoked meat sandwich, but Julian couldn’t find a restaurant that served it. Instead, we had a Korean pulled pork sandwich. Our friends at the Korea House in Bothell would have said it lacked enough gochujang, but it wasn’t bad.

We got to Lyon on time and, miracle of miracles, so did our luggage. More (mis)adventures to come.

Permanent link to this article: http://ediblethoughts.com/2016/09/01/en-route-to-lyon/

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