Cindy Fuller

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Author's posts

In Praise of Smaller Grocery Stores

I like to do our weekly shopping in larger supermarkets. They have the variety of produce and seafood I want. Some of them will cater to ethnic populations in their neighborhoods. But sometimes when I just need to get two or three items on the way home, smaller grocery stores will do the trick. Some …

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Cookbook Critiques

I’ve done more than my share of cookbook-reading over the years and have developed strong opinions on the genre. I gave my strategy for adding a cookbook to the collection in this post. Even if the recipes and other content are first rate, some cookbooks have layout and other issues that reduce the chance that …

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Streetus Interruptus

I mentioned the small number of bridges between downtown and north Seattle in an early post on The Montlake Mess. There are other “features” that drive new drivers in our area nuts. Chief among them: Streetus Interruptus. In theory, Seattle’s thoroughfares are set up as a grid. Streets run east-west, avenues run north-south. Then we …

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Quote of the Day

Seen in this New York Times article on post-pandemic awkward encounters: “My eyebrows always go up when I’m lying to be polite, which is how you can tell I don’t use Botox.” – Rosie Perez

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Georgia on my Mind

One of the peak experiences of my adult life was accompanying a friend from college to the Republic of Georgia when she adopted a baby girl. In addition to seeing my friend realize her dream of being a mother, the breads of Georgia were a revelation. Some were flatbreads baked on the sides of giant …

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There’s no other way to put it, friends. The heat wave in the Pacific Northwest is unprecedented and ugly. It reminds me way too much of summers in Dallas – except in Dallas I had (mostly) central air conditioning and ceiling fans. Here at Casa Sammamish we have a floor unit air conditioner in the …

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The Slow Schlep Back

As America crawls its way out of the hole that Covid-19 and the initial botched response dug, Julian and I have celebrated a few landmarks. Vaccines? Check. No more shopping at “old folks hours?” Check, thankfully for Julian. Social gatherings in our home and others? Check, with fellow vaccinated people. Interstate travel? Check, for me. …

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Ithaca Therapy

The day before Mom’s funeral, I made a spur of the moment trip to Ithaca. I had lunch with a former roommate at her home just north of the Cornell campus. She got takeout from the Collegetown Bagels store/restaurant near her home. This place was the usual Sunday brunch location for Julian and me when …

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Bittersweet Homecoming

I’m back east for my mother’s graveside service on Wednesday. Everything was arranged by my sister and niece, all I had to do was fly back.Flying these days is even more of a slog than it was before Covid-19. It’s not just the masking, other “details” have been added to maximize your misery. Airport security …

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Sourdough Buckwheat Pancakes

Yeast Mode, my sourdough starter, needed a workout. I also had a hankering for pancakes for brunch. So I hybridized a recipe for sourdough buckwheat pancakes. I started with the recipe on the Bob’s Red Mill buckwheat flour bag, then took liberties. (Yes, Julian, this was a gemisch. Deal with it.) I added 1 cup …

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