Cindy Fuller

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Author's posts

Signed, Sealed, Delivered, Counted

Julian put our ballots in the drop box at Bothell City Hall last week. They were received at the Board of Elections on Monday, and had been counted on Wednesday. If you haven’t submitted your mail-in ballot yet, I strongly suggest that you take it to an official drop box. The Postal Service has had …

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The Work from Home Blues

I know, I should be thankful to have a job where I can work from home. However, seven months of working from home with no end in sight can get anyone squirrelly. You know you’ve been working from home for too long when: Business casual attire is clean pajamas or sweats. Casual Friday attire is …

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Just Vote.

As I’ve mentioned before, Washington is a 100% vote by mail state. This is a highly civilized way to do things. You can sit at the kitchen table with the voters’ guides and your beverage of choice while you fill in the ballots. The state even picks up the tab for postage. Not only is …

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Soupy Weather

The fall onslaught of rain has begun here. We’re supposed to have back to back to back storms that are predicted to dump an inch of rain each. This afternoon’s storm had thunder, lightning, and hail. These are not usually part of fall rain in the Seattle area. When the weather turns soupy, my thoughts …

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A Hairy Situation

What’s up with all of the beards I’ve seen during the pandemic? Have razors become the latest shortage? Politicians like Ted Cruz and Rand Paul, although Paul subsequently got rid of his. (One unruly mop of hair on his head was probably enough.) Football players. Apple Store employees. The preponderance of facial hair can make …

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Requiem for Summer

Autumn arrived with a deluge right on the equinox. It rained most of the week. The Sun finally peeked out late on Friday. The plants on the upper deck are waterlogged. I think I’ve harvested the last padron peppers of the season. The tomatillo and golden berry plants did nothing. I should probably finish off …

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Hard Times for Optimists

It’s getting harder and harder to look on the bright side of life these days. As I type, the death toll due to Covid-19 in the US has surpassed 200,000. The Federal Government can’t get its act together to put out science-based guidelines for states to follow, let alone approve aid for those who need …

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Arts organizations have had a rough time during this pandemic. Our spring Seattle Symphony concerts were canceled. We signed up for this season’s concerts back in March, before we knew that Covid-19 would hang around in the fall. Our first concert is tonight, but we won’t be going to Benaroya Hall for it. We will …

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An Oldie but Goodie

Back in the 1980s I bought several booklets from Garden Way Publishing, now a part of Workman Press. Garden Way specialized in increasing self-sufficiency. Not only did it publish cookbooks and booklets, but it published gardening and animal husbandry titles as well. Now that Yeast Mode has a prominent place on my counter, I’ve utilized …

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Bummer Summer

This has been the summer of our discontent here in the Northwest. The pandemic threw any vacation plans into the dumpster. Now we have wildfires up and down the West Coast. The nearest fire to us is in Enumclaw, in southern King County; however, easterly winds are carrying smoke from the other side of the …

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