Cindy Fuller

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Author's posts

Calling a Spade a Spade

The title of this post was a popular slang term in our parents’ or grandparents’ day. More recent equivalents are telling it like it is, cutting the crap, or speaking truth. It’s time for all good people to call a spade a spade: The current President is racist, sexist, xenophobic, homophobic, and a serial liar. …

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How Do You Like Them Onions?

I’ve been disappointed by the quality of yellow/Spanish onions in grocery stores hereabouts. They  often have soft spots or are on the moldy side. Last night I asked the produce guy in our regular store why that’s the case. He admitted that they weren’t particularly good, and suggested I substitute the Walla Walla sweet onions. …

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Seattle vs. Portland Smackdown!

Seattle and Portland are friendly rivals, be it on the soccer pitch or in the national imagination. In the spirit of my previous compare and contrasts, here is the Seattle – Portland smackdown! Coffee. Seattle has Starbucks, Caffe d’Arte, Vivace, and other outlets. Portland has Stumptown. Stumptown has come to Seattle, with one outlet on …

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USWNT 2020!

After Team USA’s World Cup 2-0 victory today, I need to revise my post of earlier in the week. I think the whole team should run for national office. At least we’d have competent women (and a few men from the coaching staff) in Cabinet posts.

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Days in the Hood (River)

Hood River, Oregon is known for two things: It’s the windsurfing capital of the world, and it serves as a dividing line between lush forest and desert ecosystems along the southern bank of the Columbia River. Tourism plays a big role in the local economy, between windsurfers, mountain bikers, and backpackers. It is also the …

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July 4th Follies

It’s been our tradition since we moved to Seattle to do a short trip around July 4. The last two years we were in Vancouver. In previous years we’ve gone to the Olympic Peninsula. This year we’re in Hood River, Oregon.  Our home base is the Columbia Gorge Hotel, an old school hotel perched on …

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Rapinoe – Naeher 2020!

The US Women’s soccer team is in the finals for the third time in a row. The combination of Megan Rapinoe on offense and Alyssa Naeher in goal has been nearly unstoppable. Although Rapinoe didn’t start today’s match due to an injury, others picked up the scoring and Naeher made at least one unbelievable save. …

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Debate Nights

So here we are at the first Democratic debates. The New York Times created a Bingo sheet to play for the debates. Here are my things to watch: How many times will Elizabeth Warren use the word fight? How many times will Joe Biden use the word folks? How many times will a man interrupt …

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Seattle’s Newest Park

It’s not much to look at. It’s just a small sliver of beachfront off the Burke-Gilman Trail. It’s not readily accessible by car. However, the NE 130th Street End Park now belongs to the city after a long battle. You can read about it in this Seattle Times article.   The Save the Beach campaign …

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Snow Belt versus Seattle Cars

I grew up in the Snow Belt of upstate New York, where it snows eight months of the year (if you’re lucky). My trip Back East last week reminded me how different vehicle types and conditions are between Seattle and the Syracuse area. Some of it is necessity; others, preference. Here are the main differences: …

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