Cindy Fuller

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Author's posts

Arming Your Kitchen

Over the years we’ve accumulated a large batterie de cuisine, armaments to wage battle against ingredients to make meals. I’ve come a long way from the time a former roommate and I beat egg whites for a soufflé – with a fork. It worked, but our arms were mighty sore afterward. Since we all have …

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Inspecting Kitchen Gadgets

These are a few gadgets we have in our kitchen. They’re all quite useful for their purposes. However, to paraphrase an old Sesame Street song, “Some of these things are not like the others.” The difference? Ease of cleaning. The items on the left are dishwasher safe, the ones on the right less so. In …

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Thought for Friday

I was at work, so I couldn’t watch more than snippets of Aretha Franklin’s memorial service last night. This morning when I opened the article on The New York Times on her service, I read these lines from Stevie Wonder: “Please remember the greatest gift that we’ve been given in life itself is love,” he …

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Our Wine Cellar

Our red wine collection was outgrowing the kitchen cupboard it shared with our liquor collection. We looked online for free-standing cabinetry to hold the wine. What we saw was either too cheesy or too expensive. So Julian got two black boxes online and constructed the dividers at our friend Bruce’s workshop. He set them up …

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One of my coworkers was going to fly to Maui the other day. Hurricane Lane messed with those plans, so she and her family had to settle for Los Angeles. Meanwhile, the Friday Night Follies crew put on a luau. Cool weather prevented us from swimming. In fact, most of us wore fleece to stay …

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Haiku for Summer in Seattle

A smoky Tuesday. Everybody’s wearing Matching shades of gray. This was inspired by my commute to work this morning. I looked around at my fellow bus riders and many of them were wearing gray. Maybe we’re trying to camouflage ourselves.

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Up in Smoke

This post is not about Seattle’s annual Hempfest, although it did occur this weekend. The wildfires in the western US and Canada have resulted in high levels of smoke. My hair stylist said that she and her husband encountered smoky conditions throughout their road trip to California. The air quality in Seattle last Wednesday was …

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Proximity Pays?

Over the years I’ve noticed a curious phenomenon in retail businesses. Often competing businesses are located close to one another. A few examples: When I was in grad school, Wegmans opened a supermarket next door to Tops Friendly Market in Ithaca. Cell phone service providers can be in nearby buildings or mall kiosks. Car dealerships …

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The PSSST Game

I’ve played a game with my cats over the years that I call The PSSST game. The rules are simple: Hide around a corner from the cat. Peek around and say, “PSSST!” If the cat doesn’t come the first time, repeat. Often if the cat doesn’t come after two or three times, peek around the …

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Baking Between the Lines

I decided to make the One True Cobbler® for this year’s Spiediefest. Since several of our friends have wheat or gluten allergies, I decided to try a gluten-free (GF) version. This experiment was potentially fraught with peril, but I forged ahead anyway. The most important thing in baking side-by-side versions of goodies like cobblers or …

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