Cindy Fuller

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Author's posts

Fish Fry Stand Smackdown

Upstate New York and western Washington have iconic fish fry stands: Rudy’s in Oswego and Ivar’s in the Seattle area. Both serve fried fish and seafood, with a few offerings for landlubbers. So, for the benefit of my friends on either end of the country, here’s my comparison of the two restaurants. Branches. There is …

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Reunion Time

I’m en route to New York to visit family and attend my Cornell Reunion. To my mind, Reunion is the most fun you can have fully clothed and without illegal substances. I see plenty of friends I knew back in the day; in addition I meet new people I never ran across and who become …

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Preferred Habitats

Some people are drawn to places similar to where they grew up. Others go for the exact opposite of the environments of their childhoods. The preferred habitats may be natural or human-made. When given a choice, people gravitate to where they can be most themselves and at peace. Julian grew up in Miami, long before …

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Neli, Screen Addict

Neli can text, turn on iTunes, and play games on the iPhone. Yes, there are smart phone games for smart cats. For example, here is the one that Neli is playing in the above video while Julian is watching football. The object of the game is to catch and crush the animated bugs. She’s so addicted …

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Tunes for Menial Tasks

After I took the picture of the steamboats (see A Serendipitous Sight), I put the phone on the dining room table. Somehow Neli managed to get Siri to play my iTunes. She sat next to the phone and listened intently. This cat is WAY too smart for our own good,

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A Serendipitous Sight

Sometimes serendipity strikes in the midst of menial tasks. I was attempting to scrape the schmutz out of the gas grill when I heard a steam whistle. Since Casa Sammamish is nowhere near an old railroad, it had to be the mini steamboats. I ran downstairs and grabbed the phone to take a picture. Last …

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Rolling the Dice

A Monte Carlo simulation is a statistical technique to determine the probability of an event. The analysis is done by computer, because it would be far too tedious to make 500 or more runs of the simulation by hand. It’s commonly used to predict how long your assets will last in retirement. I’ve discovered two …

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For the Love of Bunny

[Sensitive souls might want to skip this post.] Yes, I like bunnies. I like to eat them. I know that my appetite for rabbit is not shared by many Americans, some of whom were traumatized by the “pets or meat” scene in Michael Moore’s first film, Roger and Me. Below are three reasons why you …

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Another Feathered Fatality

We’ve had a male pheasant in the neighborhood for the last week. It’s roosted on our roof and wandered around the street. Saturday I was doing some work in the front yard and heard a strange squawk. It was the pheasant, hanging out in the driveway next door. Alas, the pheasant died earlier this week. …

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Probiotic Night

Thursday night I bought some short ribs for Korean grilled kalbi. We’ve found a great recipe from The New York Times. The ribs marinate overnight in a soy sauce-onion-puréed pear mixture, then get grilled. So where do the probiotics come in? We served the ribs with napa cabbage kimchi and fermented pickled beets (not traditional, …

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