Cindy Fuller

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Moss Never Sleeps, 2018 Edition

The weather geeks have said that the last four years have been the rainiest on record hereabouts. As I’m typing, it’s raining again. All of this rain has had predictable results. The trees on the other side of the river from our condo are a brilliant green. They haven’t leafed out yet, it’s the moss. …

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France in Mourning Again

French icons seem to be dying of late. Last month it was Johnny Hallyday and a member of L’Académie Française. This month it was chef Paul Bocuse, the Lion of Lyon. Bocuse was named Chef of the 20th Century. He looked suspiciously like the chef in the Disney cartoon “Ratatouille“. (Coincidence? C’est possible.) This New York …

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Baking Frenzy

Periodically I have a weekend when all I have to do is bake. Normally these baking frenzies occur around Christmas; however, we didn’t get back from vacation until December 20th. So there was pent-up demand to fling some flour around. Two occasions precipitated this weekend’s frenzy. Last week our friend BG gifted me with some …

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You Can Take the Scientist Out of the Lab…

But you can’t take the lab out of the scientist. Although I haven’t worked in a lab for over 15 years, I still use my scientific chops in the kitchen when I cook or bake. Do the background research. Back in the day, I’d pull research articles and evaluate the methods and results. Now I …

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24/7 Access is Overrated, Part Two

[This is a sequel to one of my early posts.] When you work in a cube farm, privacy is at a premium. You may not want your coworkers to know that you’re scheduling a biopsy, having an argument with your teenager, or setting up an interview for a new job. But using your cell phone …

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Core Beliefs

Many years ago I took, and then co-taught, an Adult Religious Education course called “Building Your Own Theology.” Most of the class members were, like me, raised in other faith traditions before finding a Unitarian Universalist congregation. Over the years I’ve refined my “theology” into some core beliefs: • This is the only life I …

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A Safety Message

Okay, hipsters. I know black is the de rigueur color for apparel, but consider this: You leave for work in the dark, and come home from work in the dark. If you walk to and from a bus stop or parking garage, you may be hard for drivers to see at a crosswalk. If a …

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On New Year’s Day

We spent New Year’s Eve with our former neighbors. Our host made black-eyed pea soup, while Julian and I brought the fixings for raclette. After dinner we played Taboo. The party broke up around 11, so I was in bed by midnight. Julian was left to eat his stroke-of-midnight herring with the cats. (He believes …

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Asian Groceries for the Newbie

Walking into an Asian supermarket for the first time can be an overwhelming experience. Who knew that there were so many varieties of soy sauce? What am I supposed to do with some of these herbs? And what is natto? Relax. Take a deep breath. Here is a guide to help newcomers to Asian cuisines …

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The Christmas Cookbook Haul

I got three cookbooks this year. One is a memoir with recipes, the other two are conventional cookbooks. Unforgettable: The Bold Flavors of Paula Wolfert’s Renegade Life, by Emily Kaiser Thelin. This is the memoir with recipes, and has a poignant story behind it. Thelin (along with Andrea Nguyen) decided that Wolfert’s story needed to …

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