Cindy Fuller

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Fish Spa

No, this is not a spa for your guppies. These fish earn their keep by chowing down on feet immersed in their tanks. I guess the other part of the business is to keep the rest of the customer occupied.

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Friends, this looks worse than it actually is. Yesterday we went to a medieval village called Les Baux. The views of the valley were stunning, and the site had numerous artifacts, such as battering rams and trebuchets. Just as we were about to exit, I slipped and fell. The only thing damaged was my left …

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The Purple People-Eater

Meet our rental car. This was the only model at the agency with a trunk big enough to accommodate our luggage. We purposely used the smaller suitcases, but still had trouble. This is a Citroën Cactus. I prefer the moniker Purple People-Eater, after the classic Sheb Wooley song. As with many recent-model cars, the rear …

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Bienvenue à St. Rémy de Provence

Our next stop on the tour is St. Rémy de Provence, a cute little town. Julian observed that if Disney wanted to clone a French town for a theme park, this would be the one. The town has several plazas and is encircled by a ring road. It deals heavily in the tourist and expat …

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More Paris vs. Lyon Smackdown

Here are a few more comparisons we noted between the two cities: Security: We encountered much fewer grifters and panhandlers in Lyon. It could be because of the lower numbers of suckers… I mean tourists. I’m sure that more must appear during big events, such as the Fête des Lumières in December and the current …

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Let there be Lumiere

(Lumière is the French word for light.) Yesterday’s outing included a trip to the Lumière Museum in Lyon. The Lumière family, particularly brothers Auguste and Louis, were instrumental in the early days of cinema. While Edison’s kinetoscope showed movies to individuals (similar to a peep show), les frères Lumière pioneered cameras and projection equipment so the …

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Foodie Day in Lyon

Since most of the museums were closed today, this was our day to do foodie stuff. The first stop was the Galeries Lafayette at the Part Dieu shopping center. Unfortunately, the Galeries Lafayette here does not have the killer food hall that the one in Paris has. We found another store called the Cook Me …

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The Local Soundtrack

I’ve noticed some very unusual music choices in restaurants and in our hotel dining room. It must be a local radio station that plays predominantly American popular music. We’ve heard everything from disco to Cab Calloway. In one restaurant we heard Louis Armstrong’s version of La Vie en Rose. Quelle sacrilège! No Edith Piaf? No …

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Peking Duck in Lyon

La Cuisine Lyonnaise is pretty heavy on the cream and pork fat. After several days we were in need of a soy sauce fix. We found a Chinese restaurant on the east side of the Rhône called Engimono. It’s a small place with more tables on the outside than inside. We ordered the menu for …

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Swan One, Dog Zero

Swans are known to be quite territorial. My pre-grad school boss used to be terrorized by the swans on the lake abutting his property while he was mowing the lawn. Last night as we were walking on the quay back from dinner, we saw a Jack Russell Terrier (resembling the late Uggy of The Artist) …

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