Cindy Fuller

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Equal Time

It occurred to me that there may be male readers of this blog who count themselves in the Cult of Cute Shoes. Granted, none of you has fessed up, but I’m posting this just for you. This is the display of a shoe store around the corner from our hotel in Lyon.

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More for my Cronies in the Cult of Cute Shoes

Don’t drool over these too much, ladies. These are 1/3 to 1/2 scale models that reside in a museum of miniatures and film. On our way back to the hotel last night we passed a store with these boots for sale: Note the relatively diminutive heel on the furry ones. You can tell this shop …

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Paris vs. Lyon Smackdown!

Our previous two visits to Lyon were only two days each. Now that we’re in the midst of spending five days here, we can start to compare and contrast Lyon with Paris. Here we go: Rivers. Paris has one, the Seine. Lyon has two, the Rhône and the Saône, which meet at the southern end …

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Lollygagging around Lyon

We landed in Lyon mid-day on Thursday and successfully negotiated the trains from the airport to the rental flat. Once we dropped off our luggage, it was time to explore. The city is very walkable, in some ways even more so than Paris. On the Presqu’Ile (the peninsula between the Rhône and Saône Rivers where …

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Seen on a Building in Lyon

This goes out to all my Star Wars geek friends. You know who you are…For those of you who’ve forgotten your high school French, it says: “Anakin Skywalker was not born in this house, never lived here, and didn’t die here, either.”

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Gallows Humor

The French have an interesting relationship with their heritage. Witness this product we saw in a Lyon kitchen store window yesterday: Julian said it should have been designed vertically so the blade drops and the slice of sausage drops into a wicker basket.

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En Route to Lyon

We made it to Lyon, but not without a little suspense: Would our luggage be joining us? We started off at Sea-Tac Airpot. When we checked our luggage at the Air Canada desk, the attendant said that we’d have to claim and recheck it in Vancouver or Montreal. We asked several other people before we …

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Map App Muddles

Map applications can be a godsend in unfamiliar areas. We relied on one last year when we were driving around France, and will do so this year. However, map apps aren’t perfect. They often don’t warn you about road construction, or they direct you on a bizarre route. They also may not give you an …

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Coming Distractions

Next week Edible Thoughts embarks on another sojourn to France. Our first stop is Lyon, where we spent two days at the end of our trip last year. As promised, we’re renting a flat so we can cook with some of the ingredients from the weekend market. After Lyon, we hit the road for points …

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Distinguishing the Tourists from the Locals in Seattle

It’s high tourist season in Seattle. Cruise ships disgorge their human cargo upon returning from Alaska. Would-be hipsters from Sheboygan, Savannah, and Seagoville arrive in search of legal recreational weed (or to attend Hempfest, which happened to be this weekend). Discerning between the two groups at Pike Place Market is easy. Definitely a Local Parks …

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