Cindy Fuller

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Haikus for a January Commute

The rain was falling, and traffic was crawling. What else is there to do on a bus than write haikus? Some explanations for the first haiku. STEMI stands for S-T elevation myocardial infarction, a form of heart attack. ED stands for the emergency department. I work with heart surgeons. Code STEMI, ED It means just …

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I Don’t Mean to Gloat, But

I saw the first daffodil in bloom on Friday. I think this is about as early as I’ve seen it happen. (Apologies to my friends digging out from the snowstorm.) The rate things are going, the Skagit Valley Tulip Festival north of us may need to be moved up to March.  

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I’ve lived through my share of snowstorms, having grown up in the Snow Belt of upstate NY. My benchmark storm was the blizzard of 1966. Between 9 feet of snowfall (yes, you read that right) and high winds, we had six snow days in a row off school. We lived at the foot of a …

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Dates and Compromises

Here’s another contribution from my friend Michele. Eight or ten years ago I started buying these absolutely delicious medjool dates from Israel. They are fat, tender, and outrageously sweet. Can’t eat too many at a time. We mash these dates with crushed nuts to fill hamantaschen and thin mashed dates for dipping apple slices and …

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The Internal iTunes

I have a weird memory for music. Sometimes a song I haven’t heard in years will suddenly pop into my head, complete with lyrics and the right musical arrangement. The scientific term for this phenomenon is earworm. I prefer to think of it as my internal iTunes. There are bad earworms and good earworms. The …

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Democratic Debate Drinking Game Postmortem

It’s a good thing I didn’t participate. Donald Trump would have given me an epic hangover. He was mentioned more than any of the other terms combined.

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Democratic Debate Drinking Game

Julian said, “I may need hard liquor for this.” So we devised a drinking game. Not that I’m going to have any alcohol, since I had a beer mourning the Seahawks’ loss. Income Inequality: Take a drink. Progressive: Take a drink. Top 1%: Take a drink. Donald Trump: Two shots. (Julian made the universal sign …

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I Got Your New York Values Right Here, Bubba!

We were out celebrating Julian’s birthday last night, so we didn’t watch the Republican debate. I read about the disparagement of New York values by Senator Ted Cruz, and my native Upstate New Yorker blood commenced to boil. First, I don’t want my values conflated with Donald Trump’s. Second, I lived in Dallas for 10 …

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Postscripts to “Tasty Rules”

I’m not one who subscribes to feeding my friends only pre-tested recipes. I’ve experimented on my family and friends so many times that they should sign consent forms every time I feed them. As luck would have it, about the time I uploaded Michele’s post I got an email from our mutual former roommate Suzanne. …

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Shrimp and Grits

I lived in North Carolina and Texas for many years, but never tried shrimp and grits until we moved to the Northwest. Most recipes I’ve seen involve obscene amounts of bacon fat, butter, and cream. I may work with cardiologists and heart surgeons, but I don’t want to become one of their patients. So I …

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