Cindy Fuller

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Author's posts

French with a Side of Food

Julian signed up for a noncredit French class at a local community college last fall. He wanted to brush up in advance of a future vacation to France. I chose not to sign up with him that quarter, preferring a quiet evening to myself. He’d come home from class with good reports about the professor: …

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Bye-Bye, Basil

Today was the first day of autumn. The temperatures at night have hovered in the low 50’s, which means my basil plants are ready to give up. We got several batches of pesto and numerous other sprigs for dishes from only three plants. The peppers and tomatoes may go next week. That leaves the perennial …

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It Was Bound to Happen

You may call an earlier post about couples attaching locks to the Duwamish Head Bridge. Our friend Gayle, who first alerted us to this, sent me this link. Kids, bring your own wire cutters, especially if you threw the keys into the Duwamish. Chances are the keys have disintegrated in the toxic muck.

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Haikus for September in Seattle

It rained hard today. It seems as if everyone forgot how to drive in the rain. As a result, traffic downtown was awful. So, with nothing better to do on the bus, I wrote a couple of haikus. Rush Hour I’m just killing time Drawing smiley faces on Steamed-up bus windows.   Exercise in Futility …

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Now We’re Talking Team-Building!

Our department went to a baseball game last week, the Seattle Mariners versus the Texas Rangers. This plot was hatched last year, but we couldn’t find a suitable date for everyone to attend a day game then. We contributed for tickets, and our boss was generous enough to top off the fund so we could …

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I miss Molly Ivins. Political writing has been much less joyous since she died in 2007. Think of what she’s missed in the last eight years; hence the What Would Molly Write (WWMW) acronym in the title: John McCain’s choice of Sarah Palin as a running mate in 2008. The election and re-election of Barack …

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An Observation

My last post on utility companies and their reluctance to cut branches around power lines struck a chord. I had more traffic from that than any post since the one on the recreational pot shop in Seattle with the food truck in the parking lot. I’m having a hard time drawing parallel lines between the …

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A Question for Utility Companies

Why wait until there’s an ice or wind storm to trim branches away from overhead lines, especially if you don’t want to bear the expense of burying said lines? When we lived in North Carolina, we had two ice storms that cut power to our neighborhood for two days each. Some folks lost power for …

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4 AM Feline Fracas

Sometimes we can sleep through the night without the pitter-patter of 8 feet bouncing around the bed. Not so this morning. Our elder statescat, Luka, started a sequence of doing laps around the pillows, burrowing under the covers, emerging from under the covers, and repeating his actions. After a few reps, I got him to …

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Be Careful What You Ask For…

You just might get it. This is one of my favorite proverbs by way of one of my favorite movies, The Big Chill. It has been a record dry summer here in the Northwest, and a record summer for wildfires. However, it was pouring when I woke up today. The five-day forecast calls for more …

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