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Mar 22
Back in the day when computer software actually came with printed documentation, information technology geeks had a key piece of advice for those who called with basic questions: Read the *^%#ing Manual (RTFM). In our house, we’ve adapted it to RTFR, where recipe replaces manual in the acronym. Here are the common sins of omission …
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Mar 22
I’m often disappointed by recipes I find in newer cookbooks and online. It’s as if nobody proofread or tested them. Sometimes ingredients in the list don’t appear in the recipe instructions, or proportions seem to be off. For those of us in science, a key consideration in publishing our research is to describe methods in …
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Mar 22
I was watching Gonzaga dispatch the University of Iowa in the NCAA men’s basketball tournament today, which renewed a hypothesis I’ve had over the years. A key factor in reducing the prejudice against Catholics in this country over the years was not the election of John F. Kennedy in 1960; rather, it was Notre Dame …
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Mar 22
When I was growing up, I hated mayonnaise, salad dressing, mustard, pickles, and anything made with these ingredients. As I got older, I learned to like mustard and some pickles. Mayonnaise and salad dressing (and their derivative sauces) are still on my won’t-eat-by-choice list. The problem is I often don’t have a choice. McDonald’s takes …
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Mar 15
Every tech-klutzy blogger has someone who can make the glitches go away. I have my significant other (aka the SO), Julian. In addition to his computer skills, he is a gifted photographer. Most importantly, the man can cook! We met through mutual friends when I was in grad school at Cornell and he was working …
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Mar 15
The Significant Other (SO) had to fly Back East for a family funeral last year. To someone who lives in the Seattle area, Back East means any place on the other side of the Cascade Mountains. It could be Yakima, Nova Scotia, or anywhere in between. In this case, Back East was New Jersey. I …
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Mar 08
When we moved to Seattle, we acquired a group of neighbors who get together on most Friday nights for food and conversation. We congregate at different homes for potlucks or go to restaurants in the area. Our Friday Night Follies are frequently complicated by assorted food allergies, intolerances, or aversions. Here is the line up, …
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Mar 08
When my sister and I wanted to go for a bike ride when we were kids, all we did was get our Huffy single-speed bikes out of the garage and go. These days, it feels as if I’m preparing for a major expedition when I go riding. Bike apparel? Check. Helmet adjusted to fit? Check. …
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