Cindy Fuller

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Author's posts

Menu, Schmenu!

We do our weekly menu planning on Fridays. This menu greeted me on the refrigerator when I came down to breakfast Friday morning. Here’s my reply: Needless to say, we hammered out a more feasible and equitable menu plan at lunch.

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How Lean is Too Lean?

My background is in science. The thought of getting a business degree never occurred to me. I have picked up a few business buzzwords over my years in healthcare. One of the most prevalent examples of MBA-Speak is Lean. This four-letter word is sprinkled liberally in job postings throughout all sectors of the economy. What …

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Two Saturdays, Two Caribbean Restaurants

Last Saturday we had dinner at Mojito on our way to a symphony concert. It’s a tiny pan-Latinx restaurant just off Interstate 5. Mojito’s owner, Luam Wersom, started out as a dishwasher at the restaurant before he bought it several years ago. We’ve been going to the restaurant almost as long as it’s been open. …

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Get Kraken

Seattle has a National Hockey League team again after nearly 100 years. Its first NHL team, the Metropolitans, was the first US team to win the Stanley Cup. The current iteration is the Kraken, named after the mythical sea creature. This is a big deal for Seattle. The region has a couple of semi-pro teams, …

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The Right-Sided Mouse

I’m a proud southpaw. Julian looked over at my work computer setup the other day and asked, “How come your mouse is on the right side?” I replied, “So I can write while I’m manipulating the mouse.” Actually, the real reason is so I can pet whoever is on my lap with my left hand.

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Pear Chocolate Cake

One of the few upsides of canceling the trip to Europe is that we’re able to see our friends Bruce and Laurie, who moved to Michigan six months ago and are in town this week. Bruce had hoped to accompany us on the trip, but he needed back surgery over the summer. We hosted them …

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No Europe This Year

Way back in February, I was fully vaccinated and Julian had had his first shot. We were optimistic that COVID-19 was going to be beaten back. As a result, we decided to re-book the trip to Europe that we’d had to cancel in 2020. Julian scored great apartment rentals in Florence and Paris and almost-reasonably-priced …

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Who Dumbed Down the Cheese?

I grew up in upstate New York. I like my cheddar cheese to bite back. One of the best bits of culinary advice my mother gave me was to use sharp cheddar in macaroni and cheese. Unfortunately, finding truly sharp cheddar here in Washington is nearly impossible. Julian decided to make patty melts for dinner …

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The bald eagle nesting pair who live on our street have decamped to their summer aerie. In the meantime, a pair of hawks have apparently taken up squatting in the nest. One hawk sat on a branch of the Douglas fir off our deck for over a half hour the other day. Julian took numerous …

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A Death in the Kitchen

Let’s face it, friends, to stay alive we have to kill other things. Sometimes they’re already dead on arrival in our kitchens; other times we actually do the killing. Last week I had to perform mass murder: Yeast Mode, my sourdough starter, was put out of their misery. Cause of death: Contamination by the wrong …

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