Category: Baking

Ice and Eggnog

As I mentioned in the previous post, we had an ice storm here Thursday night. King County Metro canceled all of its bus routes until about 3 pm Friday, when they went to the snow routes. Our driveway was a sheet of ice until Saturday morning Since we were scheduled to go to the annual …

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A Perfect Recipe? Nah!

Some cookbooks and magazines will try to convince you that a particular recipe is perfect or ideal. I’m dubious of such claims. The old adage, to each their own, applies to cooking and baking. A few examples: Tastes change. For years my mother and I would make a particular zucchini bread recipe every summer, which …

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Lazy Person’s Pizza Crust

I offered to make pizza tonight. I didn’t feel like kneading dough. In addition, the amount of dough I needed for the two of us wasn’t enough to use the stand mixer. So I let the yeast do the work. I used a crust recipe out of the King Arthur Flour 200th Anniversary Cookbook, which …

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Brownies 1, Ego 0

Julian made some brownies the other night. He took some to his homeowners’ association board meeting. He came home crestfallen. One of the other board members told him to thank ME for making them.

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Taste Thresholds

Aging is supposed to increase the taste threshold for sweet and salt. In other words, it takes more sugar or salt to satisfy you. In my case, it’s the opposite: My threshold for sweet has decreased with time. Stuff that I’d gladly eat when I was younger is way too sweet for me now. I …

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Spatchcock that Turkey

It’s been a while since I’ve made turkey on Thanksgiving. Last year we made duck, then for several years before that we went to friends’ houses for the holiday. This year we hosted two other couples and made the turkey. I’m not wedded to the Norman Rockwell idea of an intact turkey, perfectly browned, coming …

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Cuban Bread

I admit that often I don’t have the foresight to make artisanal breads for every occasion. This week I’ve had to do some revisions for a quarterly submission and get ready for a course assignment that’s due next week. So when our former neighbor invited us to dinner last night and I offered to bring …

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