Category: Cats


Or crawfish, crayfish, or mudbugs. Call them what you will, these little freshwater crustaceans are mighty tasty. They’re not easy to find hereabouts, but we buy them when we find them. Crawfish can be found alive on occasion in well-stocked fish stores. We’ve purchased them at Uwajimaya and Mutual Fish. They’re available during the summer. …

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Neli, Screen Addict

Neli can text, turn on iTunes, and play games on the iPhone. Yes, there are smart phone games for smart cats. For example, here is the one that Neli is playing in the above video while Julian is watching football. The object of the game is to catch and crush the animated bugs. She’s so addicted …

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Tunes for Menial Tasks

After I took the picture of the steamboats (see A Serendipitous Sight), I put the phone on the dining room table. Somehow Neli managed to get Siri to play my iTunes. She sat next to the phone and listened intently. This cat is WAY too smart for our own good,

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Keeping Up to Date

Neli has been known to compose text messages. Today she decided to browse the CNN website on Julian’s phone. Neli geeking out

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Luka is Ten

Luka is our elder statescat. His full Cat Fanciers’ Association name is Velva’s Luka Get Off the Table. He lives up to that moniker on a regular basis. He’s also a serious lap – and shoulder – cat. We got Luka as a kitten from a breeder in Ohio. We’d just lost our first Russian …

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Neli and Nature

Neli, our cat who composes text messages, is also a devotee of nature shows. Here she is watching a PBS Nature show on owls.   Now for the answer to the question in the last post. The cabbage rolls contained beef, yet the kosher certification was P. This stands for pareve, or neutral. This is …

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Cats and Cell Phones: A Dangerous Combination

Our younger cat, Neli, is fixated by Julian’s cell phone. She’ll sit next to it on his desk and wait for the whistles that indicate he has a new email. He loaded an interactive app that produces ripples on the screen when you touch it with a finger (or a paw). Today Julian was in …

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For the Birds

We started feeding backyard birds over 20 years ago as a way to keep our strictly-indoor cats entertained. The original name of the bird feeder was Phoebe’s Phly-In Caphé, in honor of our first Russian Blue cat. The feeders gave Phoebe and her brothers (Roscoe, followed by Jasper, followed by Luka) hours of tail-wagging and …

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In the Bag

Our cats have a thing for catnip. Over the years we’ve utilized the bag method to deliver their fix. Here’s the recipe: Get a paper grocery bag. Cut off the handles, if any. Crumble a few pinches of catnip into the bottom of the bag. Set the bag on its side on the floor, and …

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Gray is the New Black

I seem to be wearing a lot of gray lately. It’s not as if I’m a diluted Goth. Maybe it’s the weather. Then again, it may serve to hide the fur that our bums shed.

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