Category: cookbooks

The Joys of Joy

One of the first cookbooks I bought in college was Joy of Cooking. Although I grew up cooking out of my mother’s 1950’s-era Betty Crocker Cookbook, Joy seemed to be a bit more cosmopolitan to this farm girl. I liked the chapter on ingredients. I also liked the conversational tone of the recipes. Even though …

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Saturday Mornings in the Library

Saturday is the one day of the week that I can be lazy. Monday through Friday I leave home before 6 for work. Sunday there’s church. So on Saturdays I’ll make an omelet for breakfast with a large pot of tea. I often stay in my bathrobe until after Julian takes his shower. And I …

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A Night at Book Larder

Every large city needs a decent cookbook store. New York has Kitchen Arts and Letters and Bonnie Slotnick Books (both extolled in this post). Portland has Powell’s Books for Home and Garden on Hawthorne Street. Vancouver had Barbara-Jo’s Books to Cooks, now of blessed memory (see last paragraph of this post). Seattle has the Book …

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