Category: Food

Safety Always

I was the blood-borne pathogens safety officer for my department when I was teaching in North Carolina. I was responsible for keeping students, faculty, and staff safe from sharp objects and body fluids used in our research studies. As part of my duties, I went on “toe patrol” in the labs to make sure students …

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A Night at Book Larder

Every large city needs a decent cookbook store. New York has Kitchen Arts and Letters and Bonnie Slotnick Books (both extolled in this post). Portland has Powell’s Books for Home and Garden on Hawthorne Street. Vancouver had Barbara-Jo’s Books to Cooks, now of blessed memory (see last paragraph of this post). Seattle has the Book …

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In Search of Pasta Fazool

Julian’s father had a stock response when we’d ask him what was for dinner: “Pasta fazool.” He wasn’t particularly fond of the soup, he just liked saying its name. There was also an Olive Garden just outside his condo complex. This was a frequent dining destination when we’d visit them, as Julian’s stepmother was not …

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A Plethora of Pepperoncini

I have four varieties of pepper plants on the upper deck this summer: One hot (mirasol), the other three less so. The two padron plants are doing well. The mirasol is slow, but steady. It has two peppers that are nearly ready to pick. I started the Japanese variety from seed late, and they haven’t …

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Recent Acquisitions

It goes without saying that no trip to Portland is complete unless we stop at Powell’s Books. Because there was a blues festival downtown when we were there, we went to the home and garden branch on Hawthorne Street. I showed admirable restraint and walked out with four books, one of which Julian bought for …

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How Do You Like Them Onions?

I’ve been disappointed by the quality of yellow/Spanish onions in grocery stores hereabouts. They  often have soft spots or are on the moldy side. Last night I asked the produce guy in our regular store why that’s the case. He admitted that they weren’t particularly good, and suggested I substitute the Walla Walla sweet onions. …

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Seattle vs. Portland Smackdown!

Seattle and Portland are friendly rivals, be it on the soccer pitch or in the national imagination. In the spirit of my previous compare and contrasts, here is the Seattle – Portland smackdown! Coffee. Seattle has Starbucks, Caffe d’Arte, Vivace, and other outlets. Portland has Stumptown. Stumptown has come to Seattle, with one outlet on …

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Days in the Hood (River)

Hood River, Oregon is known for two things: It’s the windsurfing capital of the world, and it serves as a dividing line between lush forest and desert ecosystems along the southern bank of the Columbia River. Tourism plays a big role in the local economy, between windsurfers, mountain bikers, and backpackers. It is also the …

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Are You Sure We’re Sisters?

My sister and I have always been two very different people, despite my mother’s best efforts. (The time that my brother, sister, and I had to wear sailor outfits for formal pictures was considered cruel and unusual punishment by all three of us.) The difference is most evident in our food preferences. My sister listed …

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Dining Out on the Dental Diet

After a week of mostly liquid meals, Julian is slowly adding soft foods to his diet. We’ve had baked salmon and Thai curry with cod. Yesterday we went to Bellevue. Julian suggested having dim sum for lunch. “Some of those dumplings should work with my teeth,” he said. For the uninitiated, dim sum are little …

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