Category: Food

How Do I Like Them Apples?

As with applesauce apples, I have strong opinions on eating apples. The latest fad in apple varieties is super-sweet. Witness the popularity of the Honeycrisp variety. I bought some Sugar Bee apples a week or two ago, and they were even sweeter than Honeycrisps. I prefer my apples crunchy with a tart edge. Perhaps tastes …

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Today’s Feast

Thanksgiving is time for tradition with a twist. I made the usual cranberry-orange relish. I also made applesauce. Most of the apples were Braeburns, but I tossed in a Pink Lady and a Fuji that were languishing in the fruit drawer. This year’s twist: Later on I’ll roast some delicata squash, using a method I …

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Giving Thanks

Thanksgiving is still my favorite holiday. While it’s difficult for some to conjure up reasons for gratitude in these times, I’m an optimist. Here is my list for this year: I’m thankful to live in this country. I believe our democracy has the resilience to withstand the current chaos. It’s survived a full-scale Civil War, …

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Hard Times for Food Porn

The consolidation of the magazine industry continues, and food publications are not immune. The personality-driven magazines (e.g., Rachael Ray, Martha Stewart) seem to be doing fine, but more general-interest publications are suffering. An acquaintance of mine lost her job at AllRecipes. Last week I was looking at my mail and noticed the headline on the …

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Kitchen Chaos

Some essential item always seems to fail at Casa Sammamish just before we host a get-together. Our first year here, a shelf in the kitchen decided to fail just before the Super Bowl party. This sent a cascade of ceramic and glass flowing to the counter and floor around me. We managed to clean everything …

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“What if she wants to tiramisu?” – Tom Hanks, Sleepless in Seattle Tiramisu is one of Julian’s favorite desserts, along with key lime pie and pecan pie. We’ve made it a couple of times at home. Our earlier attempts got extremely soggy after a day in the fridge. However, we needed to use some mascarpone …

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[Insert Ethnicity Here] Beef Salad

When we grill steak, we usually have leftovers for the following night. One of our go-to preps is Thai Beef Salad. Put sliced beef and any stray fruit (mango, pineapple) and vegetables (cucumber, carrots, tomato) on hand atop a bed of lettuce. Make a dressing with fish sauce, lime juice, and a little water and …

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Sunset for the Garden

The padron peppers have pooped out. The basil was becoming brown, as was the red shiso. It was time for these plants to go the way of all things – the compostable can. I’m having to do the composting in installments, since our can needs to hold yard waste and kitchen scraps. One pot of …

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Pumpkin Spice Plague

I have nothing against pumpkin in its appropriate role. We make a mean pumpkin pie. I also enjoy pumpkin bread and cookies. However, I draw the line at pumpkin spice everything else. For example, a garage on Sand Point Way in Seattle was hawking pumpkin spice oil changes. One assumes that the garage owner had …

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Now That’s Offal!

The mere thought of cooking and eating organ meats causes a visceral (pun intended) reaction in many people, including my sister. “EEEEUW, innards!” You may have been served a leathery piece of liver by your mother as a child. Or you may have  had a traumatic experience dissecting a frog in high school. [I could …

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