Category: Food

Another Collector

The oak tree doesn’t fall far from the acorn. Several years ago my mother started collecting cookbooks “with the names in them”, i.e., fundraising cookbooks. Most of them are from churches, Junior Leagues, or ladies’ auxiliaries. However, one of them completely caught me off guard. It was from a group of British women in East …

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Confusion Cuisine

I’m notorious for gemisching things together. However, Julian took this to a whole new level for this afternoon’s lunch. He had herring in mustard sauce that he’d bought at Ikea yesterday, along with bacon and eggs with zhug (Yemeni herb sauce). I think he does this to rile me.

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Gardening: Worth the Price?

Julian and I have had running discussions on the cost-effectiveness of our little upper-deck garden. He’s dubious that the cost layout for the seeds, plants, soil, fertilizer, and water is worth it. My response is yes. A small sprig or two of basil costs $2 or more at the grocery store. Even during high season, …

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Basic Beet Salad

Like most kids, I abhorred beets. Occasionally my school would serve “Harvard beets” as a side dish with lunch. I resolved that if Harvard served those beets, I’d never attend it. (Never mind that Harvard’s undergraduate program was all-male at the time.) As years have passed, I’ve developed a more positive attitude toward beets, but …

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Milk versus Milk

Full disclosure: I am a dairy farmer’s granddaughter. Most of our neighbors when I was growing up had dairy farms. As an animal science major, I worked on dairy research and had to collect milk samples at the Cornell Teaching and Research Center at 4 in the morning for two weeks for one experiment. Now …

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Raspberry and Figgy Goodness

Inspiration can strike at odd times. In my case, it usually strikes between 5 and 7 am. Yesterday I was rummaging in the refrigerator for breakfast when I noticed the figs and raspberries we’d bought the other night. The neurons started firing: A fruit salad for lunch. I washed a handful of raspberries and mixed …

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Doing Capitol Hill

Capitol Hill is a Seattle neighborhood near my workplace. I taught for a quarter at Seattle Central College, in the heart of the neighborhood. Capitol Hill has become highly gentrified in the 15 years we’ve been here. It’s also the traditional LGBT neighborhood in Seattle, with many businesses catering to this demographic. We hadn’t been …

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The Heavy Equipment

Okay, I’ve given my advice on kitchen gadgets. Now it’s time to talk about cookware and baking gear. You can spend lots of money on these items when you may be able to get away with a more reasonably priced set. Again, the first consideration is what you do in the kitchen. Do you use …

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Deconstructed Chiles Relleños

Hatch chiles have arrived in Seattle. These are the state chiles of New Mexico, and come in medium and hot varieties. (This is by New Mexico standards. By Seattle standards, Hatches come in hot and incendiary varieties.) Central Market offered a recipe for chiles relleños using Hatches. It looked feasible and didn’t require deep-frying. Hatches …

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Power Tools!

Now we get to the Tim Allen/Home Improvement part of arming your kitchen. Some people love kitchen electrical gadgets. Others eschew them. We are in the middle camp. Our main consideration: Will we use this appliance  enough to grant it precious space on our counter or in our cabinet? Here are a few other factors …

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