Category: Food

Just Browsing

My cookbook collection is a working library, not just for show. The other day I was browsing through one of my go-to Asian cookbooks and found a recipe for pork wrapped in greens. This is a common Thai-Laotian dish, often seen on restaurant menus as larb. Since we had a partial head of butter lettuce …

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Yet Another Beverage Boondoggle

Julian does his major web surfing while I’m fast asleep and often emails links to me. Sometimes they’re foolish videos or websites. Then we have the “stuff nobody really needs.” Witness the Teamosa. This is a tea variant on the Keurig beverage model. For a mere $399, you can have a machine that ultrasonically extracts …

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Goat, Okra, and Beets

I’m sure the title sent many folks to reading something less incendiary. In truth, this combination made a tasty meal. I needed to use up some goat I had in the freezer, along with some beets and okra I found at the fruit stand. Off to the cookbook collection for inspiration. I found the okra …

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Fiesta de Paella

We were in the Detroit Airport last week waiting for our delayed flight. I walked into a newsstand to get some bottled water, as we were flying home on Spirit Airlines. (“You wanna breathe on this flight? That’ll be 25 bucks.”) Out of the corner of my eye I noticed the latest issue of Food …

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How to Gemisch a Recipe

Gemisch is Yiddish for mess. In our house, gemisch refers to a culinary experiment. It can be the product of too many things to use up in the fridge or an adaptation of a recipe because you forgot an ingredient. Some gemisches live up to the translation; others enter the echelon of epic eating. Most …

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The Perils of a Double-Door Refrigerator

Casa Sammamish came equipped with a double-door refrigerator with a freezer drawer on the bottom. Our erstwhile landlords wanted the most cubic footage for the space allotted in the kitchen. All well and good, but I’ve noticed some drawbacks to the configuration of this fridge: The food on one side of the fridge turns over …

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Several months ago I wrote a post on the Juicero, a $400 contraption that squeezed $8 packets of juice into a glass. Alas, Juicero is no more. Reality does eventually catch up with hucksters. Now we need to see reality catch up to the huckster in chief.

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Carolina Coleslaw

Our department had another potluck today. I’d signed up to bring a salad, but didn’t have a clue of what I’d make until a coworker offered to bring pulled pork. Then it hit me: Carolina coleslaw. Some explanation is in order. We lived in Greensboro, North Carolina for seven years. During that time we got …

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Grilled Pizza and Gridiron

The Seattle Seahawks had a Friday night exhibition game, and it was my night to provide dinner. I had a hankering for pizza, but knew that every pizza joint in western Washington would be slammed. Therefore, I took matters into my own hands. I’ve grilled pizza several times before. It sounds more imposing than it …

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On a jaunt to Issaquah last weekend I noticed a farm store that sold cider pressed on the premises. Given that real apple cider is one of the things I miss the most about upstate New York, I pulled in on the way home. We were treated to a tasting of four different ciders. We …

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