Category: Food

The Multipurpose Cucumber Salad

Cucumber salads are a regular feature at dinner here. I often make one to balance a heavier main dish. They require no heat, so you can make them when the temperature’s well over 90°. They can also help keep you hydrated on hot days, since cucumbers are mostly water. Cucumber salads are ubiquitous among cuisines, …

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Upper Deck Dinner

I’ve been doing much of the cooking lately, courtesy of Julian’s cataract surgeries. They went well, but his current eyeglass prescription has been rendered moot. Last night I grilled some chicken thighs, eggplant, and home-grown Padron peppers. Three of the peppers and 1/4 of the eggplant were left over. In addition, I had to whack …

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A New Definition of Eternity

In older editions of Joy of Cooking (i.e., the ones that Irma and/or Marian authored), eternity is defined as a ham and two people. I want to amend that to a watermelon and two people. Even an icebox-sized melon is overwhelming to the two of us, especially since it’s not my favorite fruit. Nevertheless, I …

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Oh, (R)Evolve

Julian and I walked up to the Main Street Block Party this evening. It was held to commemorate the first anniversary of the fire that destroyed two buildings on Main Street and would have decimated downtown if every fire department within a 15-mile radius hadn’t sent help. The biggest attraction was the beer garden put …

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Might Be Pesto Time

The warm, sunny summer has resulted in a bumper crop of basil on my upper deck. I also have two Thai basil plants going crazy. And my padron pepper plants are being fruitful. Not bad for a small patch of sun.

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Spiedie 101

This weekend we hosted the annual Spiediefest extravaganza. This event may be more popular than our Super Bowl party, especially for our friends who hate football. The weather cooperated, so some of the revelers kayaked or paddle boarded on the river prior to eating. For those of you who didn’t grow up or go to …

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More Canada Day Weekend

Sunday we walked over to Gastown and Chinatown. Both are older sections of town, similar to Pioneer Square and the Chinatown/International District in Seattle. The Vancouver neighborhoods are rapidly becoming gentrified. For example, we saw a “Vegan Supply Store” in the midst of Chinatown. It was down the street from the infamous “lizard on a stick” …

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Rant of the Day

I grew up in an area of upstate New York near Lake Ontario that’s known for fertile bottom land, affectionately referred to as muck by the locals. Onions grow spectacularly well in this soil. Many of the kids I went to school with had families in the onion-farming and shipping business. So my question for …

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Getting Juiced, Getting Fleeced

By now you’ve probably heard about the Juicero, a Wi-Fi-enabled juicer that squeezes $8 packets of juice into your glass for a mere $399 (plus tax, shipping, and handling). Venture capitalists with more money than common sense funded this company. One investigative reporter found that she could hand squeeze the packet into a glass herself and …

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Holiday Haze

When Easter and Passover occupy the same week, as they do this year, things can get a little weird at Casa Sammamish. I made my traditional hot cross buns today. Then I made some haroset, the fruit and nut paste that symbolizes the mortar the Jews used to build pyramids during their bondage in Egypt. …

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