Category: Food

Food for the Infirmary

My worst food memory from childhood was being fed milk toast when I was sick. Mom toasted and buttered some Wonder bread and poured hot whole milk on top. I remember her serving it in an oblong purple melamine bowl she had. I’m sure that’s what Grandma served Mom when she was a girl, and …

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The Wisconsin Omelet

We had some leftover bratwurst from last night’s dinner. Julian suggested chopping them up into my weekly omelet. We have now invented the Wisconsin omelet, to join the diner standards of Western and Denver omelets. Here is the recipe: Chop up your leftover (cooked) bratwurst and frizzle in your omelet pan. Remove from pan and …

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The Card Cull

After filing the clippings yesterday, it was time to visit the nether regions of my recipe card collection. I started jotting down recipes from magazines or other sources when I was in college and continued until it became much easier to print off a recipe from the internet. Some of these cards I hadn’t looked …

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Snow Day Doings

As I mentioned earlier, Seattle doesn’t do snow well. The snow started falling last night near the end of the Super Bowl. My friend, the weather geek, was tracking the storm’s progress throughout the game. Fortunately, everyone got home safely. The snow was still falling when I went to bed. Julian predicted, “You may not …

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Super Bowl Chow

In the early years of the Super Bowl, Mad Magazine predicted that it would become a full-fledged national holiday. Little did the “usual gang of idiots” (Mad’s term, not mine) know how right they’d be. Even people who hate football will congregate with friends, heckle the commercials, watch for wardrobe malfunctions during the half time …

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Pleasant Surprises

I was walking to the Womxn’s March last week when I got two texts from my friend, BG. He’s a family doctor turned AirBnB Superhost (6 quarters in a row!). The first text was that he had a couple of food questions for me. The second was “I have some cookbooks for you.” That got …

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Better than Chicken Soup

Julian’s had a nasty cold this week. Last night he decided he needed soup to decongest his respiratory tract. He stopped at a Vietnamese joint north of us and brought home two servings of bun bo Hue, one of my favorite soups. Bun bo Hue is a Vietnamese noodle soup, but it’s more complex than …

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The Travails of a Two-Person Kitchen

Back in the day, the kitchen was the headquarters (or prison) for the woman of the house. She’d shop for groceries, make all of the family meals, and clean up thereafter. Children – usually the daughters – would assist in the kitchen chores as soon as they could stand on a stool to reach the …

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French Dinner, Part Deux

Some of our friends couldn’t make it to November’s French dinner, so we hosted a make-up session. This time, we made duck à l’orange and vegetarian cassoulet. The duck à l’orange recipe is one Julian’s used for many years, dating back to when he was the menu planner for his co-op in grad school. It’s …

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Raiding the Pantry

I was in the mood for pasta with clam sauce, but didn’t have the time or inclination to pick up live clams on the way home. Fortunately, I had a can of clams in the cupboard. I riffed off our standard recipe. Tonight’s side dish was an artichoke heart salad with roasted red pepper, green …

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