Category: Food

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Another Not-for-the-Better Change

Last Sunday we were on our usual caffeine run in downtown Seattle. Once we got Julian’s fix of choice at Caffe d’Arte, we were going to swing by the Penzey’s store around the corner and pick up a couple of things. QUELLE HORREUR!!! The store closed January 10th! Most of the spices and dried herbs …

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I Am a Cuminist

No, I didn’t spell it wrong. Cumin is one of my favorite spices. It plays major roles in Mexican, Caribbean, Mediterranean, Indian, and other Asian cuisines. It’s the major undertone in chili powder and curry powder. Some recipes allow cumin to take the starring role. Tonight I made a lamb chop recipe that required me …

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Feeding Between the Lines, Birthday Edition

The matriarch of our Friday night crew celebrated her 93rd birthday this weekend. This is a big deal, and rightly so. Family members flew in from Ohio and Maryland, including her first great-grandchild. I was assigned an appetizer, so I made chopped chicken liver. This is my first foray into making chopped liver, although we’ve …

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The Columbia City Crawl

To get Julian out of the house, we took a road trip to Columbia City today. This neighborhood is where all of the various ethnic groups in Seattle mash together. It’s rapidly gentrifying, but it still has an African-American vibe. Julian’s mother spent her last years in a nursing home in Seward Park, to the …

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The God-Awful Chicken Dish

Every family has a certain recipe that reaches legendary status for one reason or another. Recently in my family, it’s something that got the name in the title. I have yet to try it, since I’m on the West Coast. My mother hates it, but my sister Terry and her family love it. According to …

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I’ve lived through my share of snowstorms, having grown up in the Snow Belt of upstate NY. My benchmark storm was the blizzard of 1966. Between 9 feet of snowfall (yes, you read that right) and high winds, we had six snow days in a row off school. We lived at the foot of a …

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Dates and Compromises

Here’s another contribution from my friend Michele. Eight or ten years ago I started buying these absolutely delicious medjool dates from Israel. They are fat, tender, and outrageously sweet. Can’t eat too many at a time. We mash these dates with crushed nuts to fill hamantaschen and thin mashed dates for dipping apple slices and …

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Postscripts to “Tasty Rules”

I’m not one who subscribes to feeding my friends only pre-tested recipes. I’ve experimented on my family and friends so many times that they should sign consent forms every time I feed them. As luck would have it, about the time I uploaded Michele’s post I got an email from our mutual former roommate Suzanne. …

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Shrimp and Grits

I lived in North Carolina and Texas for many years, but never tried shrimp and grits until we moved to the Northwest. Most recipes I’ve seen involve obscene amounts of bacon fat, butter, and cream. I may work with cardiologists and heart surgeons, but I don’t want to become one of their patients. So I …

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