Category: Food

One Menu to Feed Them All

Last night was the annual Christmas Eve dinner/white elephant extravaganza. Tonight we’re making duck à l’orange for a smaller crowd. There are still the food allergy land mines, but we’ve found a menu that avoids gluten, alliums, walnuts, and zucchini: Guacamole without onion/garlic and corn chips Duck à l’Orange Roasted brussels sprouts Salad Brown/wild rice …

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Feeding Between the Lines, Holiday Edition

An additional food allergy land mine has appeared among our friends. The youngest member of the Friday night crew has been diagnosed with gluten intolerance and egg allergy. This is indeed problematic, since many gluten-free bread recipes rely on egg protein to provide a semblance of structure. And meringue cookies are now verboten for the …

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Measure for Measurement

Julian was making a recipe tonight and started on a rant: “What do they mean by a clove of garlic? These cloves are of wildly differing sizes. And how much chorizo (Spanish sausage) is one chorizo? You can buy chorizos of different sizes. You should write a blog post about this.” Okay, dear, here it …

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Foraging for Feed

On Monday the temperature in Vancouver didn’t get much above freezing. A warm front came in overnight, and the Great White North turned into the Great Wet North on Tuesday. The rain held off until just before we returned to the hotel from Granville Island. Julian took a nap while I worked on the previous …

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Vancouver Days – and Nights

Although we have a kitchen in our hotel suite, we don’t cook when we’re in Vancouver. Sometimes we’ll have bagels in the room for breakfast, but we normally head around the corner to De Dutch. Its specialty is Dutch pannekoeken (pancakes), which are thin, dinner-plate sized, and topped with assorted things. It also serves omelets, …

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North of the Border

We’re spending a few days in Vancouver. The main reason is to catch up with a couple I knew during my postdoc days in Dallas. They live in Nova Scotia and don’t get west of Ontario very often. However, we don’t  need much of an excuse to visit Vancouver. It’s less than three hours away …

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Thanksgiving Rituals

After many years at this, we’ve got this Thanksgiving thing figured out. Since we usually go to friends’ houses for the holiday, we don’t need to worry about the turkey. Julian makes the key lime pie in the wee hours of Thanksgiving morning. When I get up, I make the cranberry relish(es) and any other …

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The Food Safety Cop

When I was teaching introductory nutrition, Thanksgiving week was always food safety week. I wasn’t obsessive that the students know the specific microbes and the incubation periods for food-borne illnesses, I just wanted them to understand how to reduce their risk of getting sick. These days every new outbreak gets a banner headline in the …

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One of our cold weather dinners consists of raclette. Consider this fondue without the pot and long forks. Raclette is a gruyere-type cheese that is softer and melts better. It’s a common cheese in the French and Swiss Alps. It can be found in well-stocked cheese departments. We prefer the Swiss to the French version. …

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The Throw-Everything-Together Dressing

While turkey is okay, I am a fanatic about dressing (or stuffing, if you wish). My stepfather taught me how to make bread dressing, You do it mostly by feel and taste. There are no set proportions, you just stretch based on the size of your guest list, how many days of leftovers you want, …

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