Category: Food


Thanksgiving’s my favorite holiday. It’s not just because my ancestors came over to North America on the Mayflower. It’s a day that gives me the opportunity to play in the kitchen. Now that we live on the West Coast, traveling to see my family isn’t in the cards. Luckily, we have dinner with some of our …

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Asian Grocery Shopping

Over the years I’ve been lucky to find Asian groceries in the cities where I lived. They’ve helped expand my repertoire beyond throwing a can of water chestnuts into a pan of chicken and vegetables with some soy sauce and calling it Chinese cooking.The stores and their offerings have evolved over the years with the …

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The Infamous Eggnog Bread Recipe

“Christmas Creep”, the phenomenon of getting Christmas-themed products into stores earlier and earlier each year, is getting out of hand. We saw eggnog in a neighborhood grocery store before Halloween this year. This example has its upside, however. You can start making eggnog bread now and freeze it for gifts in December. Eggnog bread is …

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End of the Season

I’m not talking about the World Series. The Yakima Fruit Market is wrapping up its season of selling fruits, vegetables, plants, pumpkins, and assorted groceries to Bothell residents. They’ll reopen after Thanksgiving, but just for Christmas trees and holiday greenery. Yesterday I went over to pick up a mess of produce, including the apples for …

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Beautiful Downtown Bothell

We moved to Bothell from Seattle almost three years ago. My first experience of our fair city was when I wrote grants for a now-defunct biotech start-up our first year in Washington. I fell in love with the quaint downtown and the Yakima Fruit Market. The latter reminds me of the fruit stands near my …

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Oh, Applesauce!

It should not surprise my regular readers that I have strong opinions on anything. Applesauce is no exception. I’ve had relatives and friends who owned orchards in upstate New York. Two high school classmates now run the orchard in my hometown that had been in my mother’s family for many years. Moving to the West …

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Every year we bring a little of our East Coast roots to our Seattle friends by hosting Spiediefest. Often it’s during the summer; however, this year we postponed it to October. In previous years it coincided with visits from current Easterners such as my sister, or former housemates from my days at Cornell. For the …

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Date Night at Costco!

I’m sure many of you are thinking that Julian and I have been together for WAY too long if my idea of a hot date is grocery shopping. One can always put twists into any mundane activity. We had to get some provisions for home and for the annual Spiediefest the following night. Our errands …

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The Ham Rant

A ham steak can be a quick and easy weeknight dinner for us. We often make baked or mashed yams alongside the ham. Unfortunately, these days supermarket ham steaks are pumped full of water. This results in a soggy mess in the frying pan that prevents the ham from browning. The worst part of it …

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Mad about Maple Syrup

My brother-in-law, Stan, retired last year. While he occasionally plays golf, he has plenty of other things to do. He’s clearing a spot on some property outside town for a new home. He keeps track of his father, who’s in an assisted-living facility in Rochester. He dotes on his two grandchildren. He tends a vegetable …

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