Category: Food

The Cookbook Cull

From time to time even the most pack-ratty among us has to trim a collection. There’s only so much rearranging one can do to accommodate more books; thus, some must go. My most recent major cookbook cull was at the end of 2012, when we moved into a townhouse that didn’t have built-in bookcases as …

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The Life-Changing One True Cobbler®

There is nothing I like better than a good peach in season. Under normal conditions, eating it out of hand (often over the kitchen sink) is sufficient for me. Occasionally you need to embellish perfection. This is where cobblers come into play. Many years ago, my department in North Carolina hosted a going-away party for …

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My Drug of Choice

After last week’s post on the marketing synergy of a local pot purveyor, I’m sure that random visitors to my little blog will be disappointed to learn that my drug of choice is Camellia sinensis, otherwise known as tea. I’m probably one of the few strictly tea-drinkers in the coffee-crazed Seattle metro area. Over the …

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Seder Day Night with the Goys (the Annual Mixed-Marriage Seder)

Our Friday Night Follies group consists of several mixed-faith (or lack thereof) couples. We’ve been known to light Chanukkah candles on a Christmas-themed tablecloth. Passover is the one holiday where we (almost) do things by the Book. A few examples of how we tailor the holiday: Several years ago we had both red and white …

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Marketing Synergy in Action!

I live in Washington, where recreational marijuana sales are legal. In the last 6 months a pot shop opened in the Central District of Seattle, near my work place. The site of the shop was considered jinxed. A previous owner was murdered in a robbery. A subsequent business was torched. The pot shop did not …

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Waldorf School Whipped Cream

A friend of ours used to teach at a Waldorf School, where use of technology is avoided in early education. (Her specialty was teaching finger-knitting to squirmy 6-year-olds.) Last night at the Friday Night Follies, she demonstrated how to make Waldorf School Whipped Cream: Pour heavy cream into a clean, wide-mouth, screw-top jar. Shake the …

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How to Read a Recipe

Back in the day when computer software actually came with printed documentation, information technology geeks had a key piece of advice for those who called with basic questions: Read the *^%#ing Manual (RTFM). In our house, we’ve adapted it to RTFR, where recipe replaces manual in the acronym. Here are the common sins of omission …

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Hold the Mayo–PLEASE!

When I was growing up, I hated mayonnaise, salad dressing, mustard, pickles, and anything made with these ingredients. As I got older, I learned to like mustard and some pickles. Mayonnaise and salad dressing (and their derivative sauces) are still on my won’t-eat-by-choice list. The problem is I often don’t have a choice. McDonald’s takes …

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Pay Attention to the Man Behind the Camera

Every tech-klutzy blogger has someone who can make the glitches go away. I have my significant other (aka the SO), Julian. In addition to his computer skills, he is a gifted photographer. Most importantly, the man can cook! We met through mutual friends when I was in grad school at Cornell and he was working …

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When the SO’s Away…

The Significant Other (SO) had to fly Back East for a family funeral last year. To someone who lives in the Seattle area, Back East means any place on the other side of the Cascade Mountains. It could be Yakima, Nova Scotia, or anywhere in between. In this case, Back East was New Jersey. I …

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