Category: Food

Lab Stuff that Should Be in Kitchens

I spent much of my adult life working in research laboratories. While some of the equipment and supplies have no use in home kitchens, others would be perfect additions. Here are a few that I’d love to see sold at the supermarket or kitchen supply store. Parafilm. This is what plastic wrap wants to be …

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A Little Christmas

I was not in the mood for Christmas this year. I didn’t bother decorating. Shopping for presents in person was not a pleasant idea given the rising number of Covid-19 cases and the possibility of encountering infected virus deniers. I did do a quick dive into two stores for presents for my sister’s grandkids – …

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Pecan Pie

The Lord and Master decreed that we shalt have pie for our Christmas Eve dinner. Since I’d just bought some pecans on sale, pecan pie it was. The filling recipe came off the pecan package. It was identical to the recipe on the corn syrup label, although it used about 50% more pecans. (Gee, I …

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The Borscht that Keeps on Giving

Julian made a pot of borscht last night. He used a recipe out of Anya Von Bremzen’s Please to the Table. Borscht takes as many forms as there are Eastern European grandmas. There are light, summery borschts and heavy, wintery ones. This version was a hybrid. The broth wasn’t thick, but there were plenty of …

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Duck for Thanksgiving

I wrote a short story with this title when I was in 8th grade. The main character’s mother was highly adventurous in the kitchen. This was in contrast to my mother, who had to feed three finicky kids and didn’t dare cook outside the lines. I don’t remember the full story, but the last sentence …

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The Least Favorite Tradition

Thanksgiving is associated with a variety of traditions in our home. The bread- and pie-baking. The cranberry-orange relish getting ground up in the food processor at the crack of dawn. The cooking SOS phone calls from friends. My least favorite Thanksgiving tradition? The last-minute mad dash to the grocery store to pick up some essential …

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Takeout Night

Family-owned restaurants are struggling to survive during the pandemic. Some restaurants in southern climates can serve customers at open-air tables that are socially distanced during winter months; however, this strategy won’t work in places like Seattle or Syracuse. These small businesses are among the highest risk to fail, and need our help. We’ve resolved to …

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On “Cooking”

You’ve probably seen the ads for home-delivered ingredients that you construct into dinner, or pre-packaged meals that you microwave or cook in a special oven. The concept of prefab meals is common in weight loss programs such as Jenny Craig or Nutrisystem. However, the new companies are targeted toward busy families. The selling points of …

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Soupy Weather

The fall onslaught of rain has begun here. We’re supposed to have back to back to back storms that are predicted to dump an inch of rain each. This afternoon’s storm had thunder, lightning, and hail. These are not usually part of fall rain in the Seattle area. When the weather turns soupy, my thoughts …

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An Oldie but Goodie

Back in the 1980s I bought several booklets from Garden Way Publishing, now a part of Workman Press. Garden Way specialized in increasing self-sufficiency. Not only did it publish cookbooks and booklets, but it published gardening and animal husbandry titles as well. Now that Yeast Mode has a prominent place on my counter, I’ve utilized …

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