Category: Food

Kitchen Pyrotechnics

Why is it that men seize on massive firepower to do tasks that more moderate temperatures can do just as well? Is it the need for speed, or just a love of gadgetry? Example du jour: Julian bought an item called a Searzall. This is a flame diffuser that attaches to a home propane blowtorch. …

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Flinging Flour

Yeast Mode earned its keep this week. (And a good thing, since I feel as if I’m buying five-pound bags of flour every time we go grocery shopping.) Thursday I made a batch of blueberry muffins with it. Julian was happy, especially since we have plenty more in the freezer. Friday night I started a …

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Lamb and Figs

We bought some cute little lamb chops at Costco last week. My traditional sauce for lamb chops in the summer contains fresh figs. Unfortunately, the price was prohibitive, so I used dried. Here’s what I did: Quarter 10-12 dried figs. Dice about 1/4 cup onion. You can also use a shallot. Sauté the onion in …

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Clean out the Fridge Time

Little bits and pieces of stuff accumulate in our refrigerator. They may not be enough to cobble a new meal from on their own, but in combination they can. This was last night’s gemisch: Earlier in the week Julian made chimichurri (garlic cut with a little parsley, carrot, and olive oil) to serve with steak. …

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Pandemic Plans

“The best laid schemes o’ Mice an’ Men Gang aft agley,An’ lea’e us nought but grief an’ pain, For promis’d joy!” – Robert Burns, To a Mouse “Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans.” – John Lennon, Beautiful Boy The pandemic threw many plans into the abyss. Our vacation to …

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Supermarket Slog

In the days of Covid-19, it’s preferable to get in and out of public spaces quickly. So why are grocery stores still hellbent on making your shopping trip as long as possible, potentially exposing their workers to a larger virus load? I went to a nearby supermarket this morning to get a few things. I …

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Get (Neuro) Fuzzy

As I mentioned in an earlier post, the small kitchen appliance that we use the most is the rice cooker. We bought our simple on-off device 17 years ago for $50. It’s served us long and well. I’d say that paying $3 a year for an appliance that’s used 3 times a week was a …

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Beyond Impossible

I’ve never seen the point of buying and consuming products dolled up to simulate meat. This includes Tofurky, source of our running joke during last year’s Hood River trip. Yet these products are still popular. (I thought you vegetarians and vegans didn’t want to be reminded of evil animal products.) The latest entrants in the …

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A Worthy Substitute

The problem with maintaining a sourdough starter is that you have to throw out a hell of a lot of it on a regular basis. With flour being as coveted as toilet paper, this strikes me as a waste. So I’ve been scouting around for other recipes that use sourdough starter. I came across a …

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Iron Chef Casa Sammamish

We’d bought some sockeye salmon on sale yesterday and I was puzzling over how to cook it. Julian suggested an Iron Chef challenge. For those of you who are reading this from a television-less bunker, Iron Chef is a cooking competition that originated in Japan where the host unveils a “secret ingredient” that has to …

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