Category: Humor


I miss Molly Ivins. Political writing has been much less joyous since she died in 2007. Think of what she’s missed in the last eight years; hence the What Would Molly Write (WWMW) acronym in the title: John McCain’s choice of Sarah Palin as a running mate in 2008. The election and re-election of Barack …

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An Observation

My last post on utility companies and their reluctance to cut branches around power lines struck a chord. I had more traffic from that than any post since the one on the recreational pot shop in Seattle with the food truck in the parking lot. I’m having a hard time drawing parallel lines between the …

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The Votes Are In…

And there was a whole lot of crack-smoking by those ten candidates in Cleveland, based on their answers. My second hypothesis was correct: The average score for each candidate was closer to 4 on my scale. Nobody had a 1 in his column, and only two candidates uttered anything that merited a 2. Only one …

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Applying the Ideal Gas-Bag Law

Friends, the first Republican debate/rugby scrum is next week. This is a perfect opportunity to test the Ideal Gas-Bag Law in action. In case you’ve forgotten, here’s the equation: PV = NRT. P stands for pressure, to increase puny poll numbers or get attention. V stands for venue. N stands for number of cameras and …

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The Ideal Gas-Bag Law

Some of you may remember the Ideal Gas Law equation from your days in general chemistry. Then again, maybe you slept through that class. I’ll refresh your memory: PV = NRT. Research at the Edible Thoughts Laboratory has developed a parallel equation, The Ideal Gas-Bag Law. This explains the state of a gas-bag at any …

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News Item

Texas is seeking somewhere to stash the state’s supply of gold bullion. Apparently they want to bring the booty home from New York City. This has resulted in numerous entities within the state lobbying to store the gold. This letter is on its way to Austin, along with many others: Guvnor Greg Abbott Austin, TX …

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The Circle of Compost–and Cash

Seattle and several suburbs in the area offer yard/food waste collection along with trash and recycling. One pays for this service. The yard and food waste go to a composting company, which sells the former leaves and lettuce back to residents for a profit. Such a deal!

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Wine Appreciation – The Four Step Program

Cindy is unable to edit a post tonight (for reasons that will soon become obvious), so your intrepid site admin is standing in. This episode presents a basic tutorial on cultivating one’s palate to the pleasures of the noble grape, in its fermented form. When Cindy was an undergraduate, she completed the wines course in the Cornell University …

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