Category: Humor

A Thought for Thanksgiving

One of my pool pals made this observation: The problem with Thanksgiving week is that you have to squeeze a week’s worth of work into three days.

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One Thing Leads to Another

Ah, the joys of home ownership. If one thing needs repair, it usually cascades into several. See my previous post, The Homeowner Begets. We’ve had an annoying problem with dishwasher odor, even after we’ve run a dishwasher cleaner. If plumbers are going to come fix one thing, we may as well have them fix several …

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Seattle vs. Portland Smackdown!

Seattle and Portland are friendly rivals, be it on the soccer pitch or in the national imagination. In the spirit of my previous compare and contrasts, here is the Seattle – Portland smackdown! Coffee. Seattle has Starbucks, Caffe d’Arte, Vivace, and other outlets. Portland has Stumptown. Stumptown has come to Seattle, with one outlet on …

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July 4th Follies

It’s been our tradition since we moved to Seattle to do a short trip around July 4. The last two years we were in Vancouver. In previous years we’ve gone to the Olympic Peninsula. This year we’re in Hood River, Oregon.  Our home base is the Columbia Gorge Hotel, an old school hotel perched on …

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Snow Belt versus Seattle Cars

I grew up in the Snow Belt of upstate New York, where it snows eight months of the year (if you’re lucky). My trip Back East last week reminded me how different vehicle types and conditions are between Seattle and the Syracuse area. Some of it is necessity; others, preference. Here are the main differences: …

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Are You Sure We’re Sisters?

My sister and I have always been two very different people, despite my mother’s best efforts. (The time that my brother, sister, and I had to wear sailor outfits for formal pictures was considered cruel and unusual punishment by all three of us.) The difference is most evident in our food preferences. My sister listed …

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Sign at Pike Place Market

Proof that the state of nutrition education among the masses is sadly lacking. I told a coworker about this sign and she admitted that her husband did not know what a carb was when they began going out together. She’s since schooled him.

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Phonographic Memory

Some people have photographic memories, I have a phonographic memory.  I can hear a song that I haven’t encountered in years and still remember the lyrics. I think it comes from  having a transistor radio attached to my ear as a kid. And there are certain songs that automatically take me back to a particular …

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Bracing Myself

After many years of procrastination, I finally got “invisible” braces. The system consists of a series of rigid plastic templates that move your teeth around over time. Every couple of weeks you change to the next set. Unlike the wires, the braces are taken out to eat and drink anything other than cool water. This …

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