Category: Humor

The Falling…Needles

One disadvantage of living in the Evergreen State is the damn evergreen needles. The slightest wind sends a fine flurry of them to the ground. A stiff wind sends a blizzard of needles. The needles get tracked into the house and ground into the carpet, and are a bear to remove. In theory, the only …

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The Perils of a Double-Door Refrigerator

Casa Sammamish came equipped with a double-door refrigerator with a freezer drawer on the bottom. Our erstwhile landlords wanted the most cubic footage for the space allotted in the kitchen. All well and good, but I’ve noticed some drawbacks to the configuration of this fridge: The food on one side of the fridge turns over …

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Hound of the Woodinvilles

Woodinville, the town to the east of Bothell, is basset hound crazy. Every year they hold a Basset Bash to celebrate the breed. It was originally held the Saturday nearest April Fools’ Day, but the organizers thought better of it when that date was rainy and cold for several years. (A park redolent with the …

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Quote for Today

“For a powerful magnate, you sure don’t pick up things too quickly.” -Rocky the Flying Squirrel, voice by June Foray. Ms. Foray died yesterday at the age of 99.

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Seen at a Vancouver Restaurant

This restaurant was in Gastown, near the vegetarian restaurant we ate lunch at last Sunday.  

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Random Access Musings

These are little snippets of life that don’t add up to full posts on their own. Why is it that the voice on the Metro bus pronounces Seneca as Senokot? Maybe it’s because you’re guaranteed to lose sphincter control if your car’s brakes die going down Seneca Street in Seattle? As I recall, Seneca Street …

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Peculiar Phenomenon

Strange things happen hereabouts when the daytime temperature gets above 50°F. Sunroofs and convertible tops are opened. Skin is exposed. People wear sandals without socks. College students sun themselves on the quads in an attempt to lose the winter pallor. (No spray tans here – too Trumpian.) This rite of spring is not unique to …

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Haiku du Jour

Another Exercise in Futility Blow-drying my hair After early morning swim When it’s pouring out.

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Brunch Conversation

I got home from church as Julian was eating his bagel, cream cheese, and lox. I heated up some leftovers and joined him at the table. He was reading an article on high-intensity interval training (HIIT) in the newspaper. This is where one goes all-out on an aerobic exercise for a short period of time, …

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Cats and Cell Phones: A Dangerous Combination

Our younger cat, Neli, is fixated by Julian’s cell phone. She’ll sit next to it on his desk and wait for the whistles that indicate he has a new email. He loaded an interactive app that produces ripples on the screen when you touch it with a finger (or a paw). Today Julian was in …

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