Category: Humor

Gallows Humor

The French have an interesting relationship with their heritage. Witness this product we saw in a Lyon kitchen store window yesterday: Julian said it should have been designed vertically so the blade drops and the slice of sausage drops into a wicker basket.

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The Homeowner Begets

When one rents a home and an appliance breaks, the landlord will (one hopes) repair or replace the item. That’s it. When one owns a home and an appliance breaks, it can turn into a cascade of purchases I call the Homeowner Begets. Two weeks ago our microwave oven/kitchen ventilation fan ceased to function. Because …

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Hail, Hail, Dystopia!

Some of my friends in the Friday Night Follies crew are fond of reading books and watching television series on dystopian futures. Fans of Game of Thrones are into dystopian pasts. What, the dystopian present isn’t bad enough???

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Weirdness on the Walk to Work

On nice days between April and November when I ride the bus to work, I walk the ten blocks from the bus stop to my office. It’s a pleasant walk through the Seattle University area, and a little exercise in the morning wakes me up. Today I saw two unusual items on my walk: A …

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Boxed Out

We had a chest freezer delivered today. It’s now chilling in the garage. We had to move or get rid of a bunch of stuff to accommodate our new acquisition, including a boatload of empty boxes, styrofoam peanuts, and air pillows. This brings up an interesting “Venus vs. Mars” question: Do women keep stuff and …

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Mid-February Haikus

On Wednesday I commuted by bus. You would think that a non-rainy day would mean a less clogged commute. You would think wrong. So out came the pad of paper for a few haikus. Another gridlock. Even express lanes are slammed On Interstate 5. An off-leash dog park Halfway up Capitol Hill. Never noticed it. …

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Pizza Raccoon

Friends, I can’t possibly make this stuff up. In addition to the pizza rat video that’s gone viral, another intrepid person with a smart phone captured a raccoon enjoying a slice in Central Park. I don’t think it’s a native New Yorker. It didn’t fold the slice to eat it.

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More Rainy Day Haikus

It was raining rather hard today, and I had nothing better to do on the bus than to stretch my haiku chops. Seattle Fashion Plate Today I’m wearing A stunning ensemble of Cashmere and Gore-Tex. Bravado Bring an umbrella? I don’t need an umbrella. “Drowned rat” is my style. Snug as a Bug I was …

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Are We in the End Times?

I was looking at yesterday’s college football scores and thinking, “Something is seriously amiss.” Perennial doormat teams such as Houston and Duke are in the top 25. Powerhouses such as Oregon and USC are going down to ignominious defeat by traditional underdog teams. Then I looked at the East Coast scores and was reassured that …

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It Was Bound to Happen

You may call an earlier post about couples attaching locks to the Duwamish Head Bridge. Our friend Gayle, who first alerted us to this, sent me this link. Kids, bring your own wire cutters, especially if you threw the keys into the Duwamish. Chances are the keys have disintegrated in the toxic muck.

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