Category: Life in the Pacific Northwest


One of the perks of living in the Pacific Northwest is the plethora of fresh fish and seafood that’s available. Our regular grocery stores have tanks and iced displays of locally-grown clams, oysters, mussels, and Dungeness crabs. Mussels and manila clams are reasonably priced and make quick and tasty meals. We have two go-to recipes …

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An Ecumenical Saturday

Seattle is one of the least religious cities in the country. This does not deter the faithful from trying to make converts. Yesterday on our coffee/tea run to downtown Seattle, we saw the following: The Christian Science reading room; The Scientology storefront around the corner; Two Jehovah’s Witnesses at a sandwich board; Black Hebrews farther …

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Surviving Snowpocalypse

Monday’s snowfall was even worse than last week’s. We must have gotten 6 inches of heavy, wet snow. I took the bus home before travel got really dicey.  To add to the misery, many places lost power – including us. The power flickered off and on in the wee hours, then went off. Fortunately, the …

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The Anna’s hummingbird is a year-round resident of the Seattle area. We have a group that lives in the big-ass Douglas Fir just off our decks. We put out feed for them. Unfortunately, it’s been so cold that the feed freezes overnight. (As Julian says, “So much for freezing point depression.”) Hummingbirds are quite territorial. …

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Snowfall Silence

All Hell breaks loose here when a snowstorm is predicted. Hardware stores run out of snow shovels and deicer. Grocery stores run out of bread, milk, and toilet paper. Schools close early and people rush to get home before the roads get impassable. The people who have four- or all-wheel drive vehicles believe they’re invincible …

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A Short Walk on the Viaduct

“Why a duck, why a no chicken?”* ~ Chico Marx, The Cocoanuts The Alaskan Way Viaduct in downtown Seattle is about to be demolished. In its place is a tunnel that’s set to open tomorrow. The Viaduct is an ugly elevated highway that’s a physical and visual barrier to the waterfront. The Nisqually Earthquake of …

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A Mess of Mergansers

Winter is prime birdwatching season on our stretch of the Sammamish. The bald eagles are back from summering in the mountains. Cormorants flap their wings in dominance rituals on a small sand spit where a creek drains into the river. A snow goose slums with its Canada geese cousins. A great blue heron from the …

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We Are in Culinary End Times

When I ride the bus to work, I go past a little storefront in downtown Seattle that calls itself the Grilled Cheese Experience. Really? Are people so culinarily challenged that they have to get grilled cheese sandwiches at a restaurant?

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Vacancies at University Village

University Village is a major shopping center in Seattle, just north of the University of Washington. In recent days two businesses within close proximity of each other have closed. Mrs. Cook’s closed January 6 because the owner retired. It had a great selection of appliances and utensils, along with a small cookbook section. We’ve bought …

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