Category: Life in the Pacific Northwest

A Serendipitous Sight

Sometimes serendipity strikes in the midst of menial tasks. I was attempting to scrape the schmutz out of the gas grill when I heard a steam whistle. Since Casa Sammamish is nowhere near an old railroad, it had to be the mini steamboats. I ran downstairs and grabbed the phone to take a picture. Last …

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Another Feathered Fatality

We’ve had a male pheasant in the neighborhood for the last week. It’s roosted on our roof and wandered around the street. Saturday I was doing some work in the front yard and heard a strange squawk. It was the pheasant, hanging out in the driveway next door. Alas, the pheasant died earlier this week. …

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The Symbol of Bothell

Paris has the Eiffel Tower.  London has Big Ben.  New York has the Statue of Liberty.  Saint Louis has the Arch. Bothell has the Chicken.   This proud monument to poultry towers (about 15 ft) over the entrance to Country Village, an old-timey-themed collection of shops on a landscaped site just north of downtown Bothell. …

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Warming Trend

Thursday was the first 80° day in the Seattle area this year. Layers of sweaters, fleece, and wool were shed. Birkenstock sandals were worn without socks. People were blinded by the preponderance of pasty exposed skin on the University of Washington campus and on the Burke-Gilman Trail. (Let’s just say that tanning parlors are not …

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Neighborhood in Need of Help

Pioneer Square is the oldest neighborhood in Seattle, dating back to pre-Alaska Gold Rush days. After years of being best known for dive bars and sketchy characters, the neighborhood is on the rise. Unfortunately, Pioneer Square and its businesses are in danger of closing due to clumsy construction. We had tickets to a symphony concert …

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That was Fast

Two weeks ago I mentioned the demise of one of our neighborhood eagles. Animal Control thought it was a female, and I hypothesized that it was Edwina from the nest down the block from our condo. Either a new couple has moved into the nest, or Edwina’s mate Eddie wasted no time finding another lady …

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A Minor Passover Miracle

The Passover-Easter season is awash in miracles. The burning bush. The parting of the Red Sea. The resurrection of Jesus. I add a small one: I found a vegetable salad that contains neither alliums or nightshades. I offered to make an asparagus salad for tonight’s Mixed-Marriage Seder. This is one of the highlights of the …

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A Death in the Neighborhood

We learned that one of our resident bald eagles had died. I believe it was the one I called Edwina, who nested with her partner, Eddie, in the nest down the street. Her body was found on the street Sunday morning. Our local animal control transported it to a wildlife rehab center for a necropsy …

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St. Patrick’s Day at the Pike

We had a symphony concert on Saturday night. In addition, I was running desperately low on my drug of choice. So we went downtown in late afternoon. It was after the St. Patrick’s Day parade, so traffic was relatively light. First stop was the Perennial Tea Room at Pike Place Market. As we rounded the …

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In Search of Vehicle

I HATE car-shopping. This is one reason why I tend to keep cars for years after finishing off the loan. Having a root canal without novocain would be less painful than going from dealership to dealership looking for a new ride. While the sexist good ol’ boys wearing brown plaid suits and bad toupées have …

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