Category: Life in the Pacific Northwest

Nearing the Finish

Last June the Bothell City Council approved negotiations to purchase the Wayne Golf Course from Forterra, a land conservancy. On November 14 the Council was scheduled to vote on the final purchase agreement for the front 9. The back 9 purchase vote will be held on December 12. The City Council chamber was packed. Before …

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First Snow

Friday morning, a “wintry mix” of rain and snow hit the Seattle area. As the day wore on, it turned into all snow. Luckily, there was no accumulation and the rain resumed in the afternoon. This morning the snow returned and briefly accumulated over the Doug Fir needles on the upper deck. Again, the white …

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The Falling…Needles

One disadvantage of living in the Evergreen State is the damn evergreen needles. The slightest wind sends a fine flurry of them to the ground. A stiff wind sends a blizzard of needles. The needles get tracked into the house and ground into the carpet, and are a bear to remove. In theory, the only …

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Garden Postmortem

The Italian basil is history. The shiso plants have gone to flower, as has the Thai basil. The padrón pepper plants are soldiering on, but it won’t be long before they need to meet the compost bin. The peppermint plant is thriving, but the spearmint plant is DOA. The survivors are all waterlogged with the …

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More Utopia, Less Dystopia

I am no fan of the dystopian movies, television shows, or books foisted on the public these days. As I said earlier, the real world is dystopian enough. Last week Julian cajoled me into going to Blade Runner 2049. The original Blade Runner was one of his favorite films. I fell asleep during it. I …

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We MAY Be in the End Times

Another college football post. Syracuse (yes, you read that right) upset #2-ranked Clemson, 27-24. The Orange was never behind in the game. I was worried that when Syracuse joined the Atlantic Coast Conference that they were going to be the sacrificial lambs to the traditional football powers of Clemson and Florida State. Surprise, surprise… The …

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Are We in the End Times, 2017 Edition

This is not a political post. Rather, these are two observations on the current football season. The Washington State University (WSU) Cougars upset USC, 30-27, on Friday night. For most of our time in Washington, WSU was the sad sack team of the west coast. So far this season they are undefeated along with their …

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Autumn Arrives

Autumn sneaked in a few days early. Saturday was a gorgeous day. We drove up to Bellingham via Chuckanut Drive and hit the Fairhaven neighborhood. I woke up Sunday to cooler temperatures. It started drizzling while I was at church, and the rain kicked in after I got home. The rain continued Monday and Tuesday. …

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Hound of the Woodinvilles

Woodinville, the town to the east of Bothell, is basset hound crazy. Every year they hold a Basset Bash to celebrate the breed. It was originally held the Saturday nearest April Fools’ Day, but the organizers thought better of it when that date was rainy and cold for several years. (A park redolent with the …

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Grilled Pizza and Gridiron

The Seattle Seahawks had a Friday night exhibition game, and it was my night to provide dinner. I had a hankering for pizza, but knew that every pizza joint in western Washington would be slammed. Therefore, I took matters into my own hands. I’ve grilled pizza several times before. It sounds more imposing than it …

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