Category: Life in the Pacific Northwest

More Change, not for the Better

We went downtown on our usual caffeine run today. It’s high tourist season here. Pike Place Market was slammed. As we approached Julian’s coffee shop of choice, Caffe d’Arte, I noticed it looked strangely vacant. We read the sign on the door: Last day of business at the location on 2nd Ave and Stewart Street …

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This Year’s Garden

So to speak. Our “garden” consists of the south-facing upper deck and a few square feet of semi-shade near the front door walkway. We also have some planters in deep shade on said walkway. Last week I emptied the soil out so Julian could paint them. Eventually I may try to put some ferns in …

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Flower Communion

Like many Unitarian Universalists (UU), my favorite service of the year is Flower Communion. Each person brings a flower, places it in a common basket, then leaves with a different flower. The flowers may come from gardens, farmers’ markets, or the grocery store. This ritual is not imbued with the deep symbolism of Christian Communion; …

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Olympic Feats

We went to the Olympic Peninsula for the day on Saturday of Memorial Day Weekend. For you readers Back East, the standard elementary school map depiction of Washington state resembles a hitchhiker’s fist. The “thumb” is the Olympic Peninsula. There are a few small cities, but most of the peninsula is occupied by Olympic National …

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First Bike Commute of the Year

I finally took the bike to work today. Between the dislocated pinky and the rainy seasons, I hadn’t done so in nine months. Today was a bit different. I have a new ride: Julian bestowed his bike on me. It rides well and weighs much less than my old bike, but I do miss the …

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Rant of the Day

I grew up in an area of upstate New York near Lake Ontario that’s known for fertile bottom land, affectionately referred to as muck by the locals. Onions grow spectacularly well in this soil. Many of the kids I went to school with had families in the onion-farming and shipping business. So my question for …

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One of the highlights of living at Casa Sammamish is seeing the plethora of wildlife. This year we’ve been watching a nesting pair of Canada geese and their six offspring. The goslings are eating machines. They’ve at least doubled their size in the last week. Last Friday night there was a panic for the little …

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Luka is Ten

Luka is our elder statescat. His full Cat Fanciers’ Association name is Velva’s Luka Get Off the Table. He lives up to that moniker on a regular basis. He’s also a serious lap – and shoulder – cat. We got Luka as a kitten from a breeder in Ohio. We’d just lost our first Russian …

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Random Access Musings

These are little snippets of life that don’t add up to full posts on their own. Why is it that the voice on the Metro bus pronounces Seneca as Senokot? Maybe it’s because you’re guaranteed to lose sphincter control if your car’s brakes die going down Seneca Street in Seattle? As I recall, Seneca Street …

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Peculiar Phenomenon

Strange things happen hereabouts when the daytime temperature gets above 50°F. Sunroofs and convertible tops are opened. Skin is exposed. People wear sandals without socks. College students sun themselves on the quads in an attempt to lose the winter pallor. (No spray tans here – too Trumpian.) This rite of spring is not unique to …

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