Category: Life in the Pacific Northwest

Haiku du Jour

Another Exercise in Futility Blow-drying my hair After early morning swim When it’s pouring out.

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Humerus Progress

The spelling is correct. Regular readers recall that Julian broke his humerus in a fall last month. He didn’t require surgery, and is now in physical therapy. The first couple of weeks focused on his range of motion, and next week he starts working on his strength. He’s able to cook from scratch again. Yesterday …

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Cats and Cell Phones: A Dangerous Combination

Our younger cat, Neli, is fixated by Julian’s cell phone. She’ll sit next to it on his desk and wait for the whistles that indicate he has a new email. He loaded an interactive app that produces ripples on the screen when you touch it with a finger (or a paw). Today Julian was in …

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An Unexpected Perk

As mentioned earlier, Julian broke his shoulder two weeks ago. The sole upside to this escapade: We discovered that there’s a Trader Joe’s across the street from his orthopedic surgeon’s office. For the non-cognoscenti, Trader Joe’s is a California-based grocery chain. Its primary claim to fame is “two-buck Chuck” (actually three bucks in Washington), cheap …

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Spring is in the Air

Two items that indicate the groundhog was wrong when he predicted six more weeks of winter this year: There’s a certain aroma you can detect when spring bulbs are sprouting, even before they bloom. It smells like daffodils. I’ve detected this aroma in several places where I know bulbs will appear. No flowers yet, but …

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First Sunny Saturday

My mantra has always been that it’s a sin to waste a sunny day in Seattle – and in Bothell. After the snow, ice, and heavy rain of the last week, my first impulse was to get out of the house. To be fair, the Saturday of the Women’s March had spots of sun, but …

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Julian’s Turn

Thursday night we were supposed to go to the symphony. Julian was going to take the bus downtown and meet me for dinner before the concert. As I was driving downhill from work, Julian called. He’d taken a nasty fall at the bus stop and banged his shoulder. I managed to get out of downtown …

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Snow Day Doings

As I mentioned earlier, Seattle doesn’t do snow well. The snow started falling last night near the end of the Super Bowl. My friend, the weather geek, was tracking the storm’s progress throughout the game. Fortunately, everyone got home safely. The snow was still falling when I went to bed. Julian predicted, “You may not …

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Super Bowl Chow

In the early years of the Super Bowl, Mad Magazine predicted that it would become a full-fledged national holiday. Little did the “usual gang of idiots” (Mad’s term, not mine) know how right they’d be. Even people who hate football will congregate with friends, heckle the commercials, watch for wardrobe malfunctions during the half time …

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As We Come Marching, Marching

Along with many other cities around the country, Seattle was the site of a large Women’s March. In keeping with the Seattle Way, ours was called the Womxn’s March. This was to include anyone with sympathies with the goals of the march. I arrived at the Park and Ride around 8:20. There was already a …

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