Category: Life in the Pacific Northwest

Ignoring is Bliss

I do not plan to watch or listen to the Inauguration festivities live on Friday. This is an easy choice to make. I’ll be at work in a cube farm on Friday, and I don’t particularly like to use earphones. I may listen to the oldies station on the drive home. If I do pay …

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Moss Never Sleeps

Here on the wet side of the Cascades, moss is a fact of life. Local columnist Knute Berger refers to himself as Mossback. Moss grows on any stationary object, including roofs, siding, lawns, and (occasionally) rusted-out cars. Our postage-stamp-sized front lawn in Seattle was being overtaken by moss. Was I concerned? Absolutely not: Moss doesn’t need …

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Christmas at Casa Sammamish

Our Christmases over the years here have evolved into a pattern: Christmas Eve with our friends for food and the white elephant exchange; A quiet Christmas à deux (actually à quatre, including the cats); followed by “Jewish Christmas” dinner with friends. I had the morning and early afternoon to myself, given Julian’s propensity to sleep …

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Snowflake Freakout

As I said earlier this year, the Seattle area doesn’t do well with snow. Neither do the drivers. This is a source of amusement to my family in the Snow Belt, and a source of frustration to us. The forecast was for snow today. I opted to take the bus to and from work, since …

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Wednesday Morning

I admit that I am not into rap. The beats are unoriginal and the music is too electronic for my ears. Many of the lyrics are not consistent with my core convictions, to say the least. The female rappers, what few there are, sound as if they’re yodeling around some of the notes rather than …

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The Morning After

As Buffalo Bills fans know all too well, it’s a lot easier to be gracious in victory than in defeat. And so it is this morning. I went to bed before the final results were in on Election Night, believing that finishing Oliver Sacks’s autobiography would be a more pleasant way to spend the evening. …

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Storm? What Storm?

The Seattle area was supposed to get 65 mph winds from a dying typhoon last night. Fortunately, this did not come to pass. We did get plenty of rain, but we never lost power. This morning I found a couple of puny branches from the big ass Douglas fir on our upper deck and the …

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First of the Season

I had a bunch of Jonagold apples that I originally was going to use to make apple crisp. However, the week got away from me, so I opted to get some more apples and make applesauce. I used my tried-and-true method that I outlined last year. This time I added a couple of knobs of fresh …

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Yet Another Tea Rant

I’m used to getting tutti frutti iced tea in Seattle. Today we went to a sports bar and I asked for hot tea. The waitress asked me what type I’d like. “We have orange tea, peppermint tea…” I asked for black tea. She came back with Earl Grey: “This is the closest we have.” The …

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