Category: Life in the Pacific Northwest


We’re in the midst of what could be a serious rain/windstorm for the next few days, the remnants of a typhoon. I got some hamburgers out of the freezer for dinner last night. The last thing I wanted to do was to stand on the upper deck in the rain and grill them. So I …

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Are We in the End Times, October 2016 Edition

I’m not talking politics. This concerns the state of college and professional sports. Let me count the ways: The University of Washington whupped Stanford on Friday night; Washington State University (winless two years ago) shellacked Oregon yesterday; The University of North Carolina beat Florida State yesterday; Cornell has won two games in a row, including …

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Misplaced Nostalgia?

I grew up on the East Coast eating McIntosh, Cortland, Jonathan, and Rome Beauty apples. Family and friends are in the orchard business. My maternal grandfather co-owned an apple orchard. When we visited Seattle in the 1990’s, the apple selection was limited to Red and Golden Delicious, Granny Smith, and one or two other varieties. …

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Map App Muddles

Map applications can be a godsend in unfamiliar areas. We relied on one last year when we were driving around France, and will do so this year. However, map apps aren’t perfect. They often don’t warn you about road construction, or they direct you on a bizarre route. They also may not give you an …

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Even the Trees are Sweating

It’s been a hot couple of days here. The National Weather Service has issued a severe heat warning through tonight. This morning I noticed an odd thing on the big Douglas fir off our deck: Sap drizzling down the cones. The sap resembles an icicle, but no self-respecting bit of ice could last more than …

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Weekend at Mount Baker

If your idea of a good day hike is encountering busloads of tourists going to the souvenir shops, go to Paradise at Mount Rainier or Hurricane Ridge in Olympic National Park. Mount Baker National Forest is a more rustic experience. Most of the hiking trails are unpaved. Access to the trailheads is not for the …

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Iced Tea Season at Last!

When I lived in Texas and North Carolina, iced tea season lasted from March to November. Here in the northwest, it’s abbreviated because of the cooler climate. Last week I declared it iced tea season, to great rejoicing. However, we needed tea suitable for iced tea. As I have said time and again, iced tea …

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Say It Ain’t So!

We were downtown on our monthly coffee run (for Julian, not me). We made another stop at the Spanish Table, one of our go-to joints for good, cheap wine and ingredients for paella. The first clue that something was amiss was a sign that the deli case was for sale. Then I saw the sign …

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