Category: Life in the Pacific Northwest

More Portland

On Sunday we took the light rail up to the NW 23rd Avenue shopping district. There are shops of all sorts, including a cookware store called Kitchen Caboodle. We bought some non-metal utensils there to use on the new cookware for the induction range. Lunch was at Kornblatt’s Deli, which did a decent pastrami. I …

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The Three P’s of Portland

We drove down to Portland for the July 4 weekend. Portland holds many attractions: A thriving food scene; access to Mount Hood, the Columbia River, and the coast; and no sales tax. On Saturday we hit three P’s: Powell’s, Penzey’s, and Pok Pok. Powell’s is one of the largest independent bookstores in the country. It takes …

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The Homeowner Begets

When one rents a home and an appliance breaks, the landlord will (one hopes) repair or replace the item. That’s it. When one owns a home and an appliance breaks, it can turn into a cascade of purchases I call the Homeowner Begets. Two weeks ago our microwave oven/kitchen ventilation fan ceased to function. Because …

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Teriyaki restaurants are the Seattle equivalent of fried chicken shacks in the South. They are ubiquitous in the region. The original Japanese method of teriyaki is to marinate meat in a sweet soy-based sauce, then grill or broil it. Hereabouts, the predominant method is to grill the marinated meat and pour more sauce over the …

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Weirdness on the Walk to Work

On nice days between April and November when I ride the bus to work, I walk the ten blocks from the bus stop to my office. It’s a pleasant walk through the Seattle University area, and a little exercise in the morning wakes me up. Today I saw two unusual items on my walk: A …

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Seven Beef

Julian spent Friday afternoon at the REI sale while I was toiling away at the hospital. When he picked me up, the inevitable question arose: What’s for dinner? I had no desire to go downtown because traffic would be slammed thanks to the Billy Joel concert at Safeco Field. Capitol Hill would be full of …

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Riding the (Light) Rails

Seattle has had a light rail system for several years that connects downtown with the airport. Only recently has it expanded to Capitol Hill and the University District. Yesterday I used the train for the first time as part of my bike commute. The infrastructure for the light rail expansion involved more than just digging …

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Goslings at Last

Last night we finally saw two gaggles of goslings with their parents in the back yard. One set of five were little peeps; the other set of five still had their fluff, but were acquiring a more adult body type. Perhaps nesting season is late this year.

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Where Have All the Ducklings (and Goslings) Gone?

One of the attractions of our home is the Sammamish River that runs behind it. Many species of birds call the river home for at least part of the year. In previous springs the river has been a veritable nursery of young waterfowl. This year I’ve only seen one clutch of four mallard ducklings. The …

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