Category: Life in the Pacific Northwest

Discoveries of the Week

On Friday I had a “routine screening procedure.” I won’t go into gory detail (you’re welcome), but the bottom line was I needed real food thereafter. Julian found a relatively new restaurant around the corner from the surgery center called Trove. This is actually four establishments in one: A walk-up ice cream (parfait) truck, a …

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Another One Bites the Dust

My reactions to restaurant closings come in three varieties: Dang! It only just opened! We never got to eat there! Shoot! That was one of our favorite joints! How the hell did it last so long? On the bus home last week I noticed a restaurant that belongs in the third category. Ying’s Drive-In was …

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Almost-Diners in the Northwest

In an earlier post I wrote about the diner culture in the metro New York area. We have a few places hereabouts that could qualify as almost-diners. These are two examples in the Seattle suburbs. Jay’s Café in Kenmore. Jay’s has the all-day breakfasts and daily specials, along with the paper placemats featuring local businesses. …

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Boxed Out

We had a chest freezer delivered today. It’s now chilling in the garage. We had to move or get rid of a bunch of stuff to accommodate our new acquisition, including a boatload of empty boxes, styrofoam peanuts, and air pillows. This brings up an interesting “Venus vs. Mars” question: Do women keep stuff and …

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Another Not-for-the-Better Change

Last Sunday we were on our usual caffeine run in downtown Seattle. Once we got Julian’s fix of choice at Caffe d’Arte, we were going to swing by the Penzey’s store around the corner and pick up a couple of things. QUELLE HORREUR!!! The store closed January 10th! Most of the spices and dried herbs …

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For the Birds

We started feeding backyard birds over 20 years ago as a way to keep our strictly-indoor cats entertained. The original name of the bird feeder was Phoebe’s Phly-In Caphé, in honor of our first Russian Blue cat. The feeders gave Phoebe and her brothers (Roscoe, followed by Jasper, followed by Luka) hours of tail-wagging and …

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Mid-February Haikus

On Wednesday I commuted by bus. You would think that a non-rainy day would mean a less clogged commute. You would think wrong. So out came the pad of paper for a few haikus. Another gridlock. Even express lanes are slammed On Interstate 5. An off-leash dog park Halfway up Capitol Hill. Never noticed it. …

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Sunny Saturday Morning

As I mentioned in the last post, it’s been a record-setting winter for rain hereabouts. So when I saw the Sun out this morning and there was no frost on the golf course, I decided it was high time to get on the bike. Usually my first ride of the season is the relatively flat …

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