Category: Life in the Pacific Northwest

Oh, Applesauce!

It should not surprise my regular readers that I have strong opinions on anything. Applesauce is no exception. I’ve had relatives and friends who owned orchards in upstate New York. Two high school classmates now run the orchard in my hometown that had been in my mother’s family for many years. Moving to the West …

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Riding the Pineapple Express

We don’t get many thunderstorms or tornadoes hereabouts. In winter we’ll get an occasional snow or ice storm that paralyzes the region, due to our challenging topography and the lack of snow removal equipment. Our main weird weather phenomenon is the “Pineapple Express”, a warm front that comes off the Pacific Ocean and foments chaos …

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More Rainy Day Haikus

It was raining rather hard today, and I had nothing better to do on the bus than to stretch my haiku chops. Seattle Fashion Plate Today I’m wearing A stunning ensemble of Cashmere and Gore-Tex. Bravado Bring an umbrella? I don’t need an umbrella. “Drowned rat” is my style. Snug as a Bug I was …

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Date Night at Costco!

I’m sure many of you are thinking that Julian and I have been together for WAY too long if my idea of a hot date is grocery shopping. One can always put twists into any mundane activity. We had to get some provisions for home and for the annual Spiediefest the following night. Our errands …

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Changes, Not for the Better

I like the fact that Seattle is not a stagnant community. The unemployment rate is low, and new restaurants are opening all the time. Unfortunately, there are some changes that are not welcome. A few examples: 1. Hing Loon closed earlier this year. It was a Chinese restaurant in the International District that served the …

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The Energizer Pepper Plants

I disposed of the tomato and basil plants before we left on vacation, and I was sure that the pepper plants would be compost by the time we returned. Surprisingly, there were 6 peppers on the padron plant and several blossoms on the cubanelle. I tend to doubt that the latter will have time to …

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It Was Bound to Happen

You may call an earlier post about couples attaching locks to the Duwamish Head Bridge. Our friend Gayle, who first alerted us to this, sent me this link. Kids, bring your own wire cutters, especially if you threw the keys into the Duwamish. Chances are the keys have disintegrated in the toxic muck.

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Haikus for September in Seattle

It rained hard today. It seems as if everyone forgot how to drive in the rain. As a result, traffic downtown was awful. So, with nothing better to do on the bus, I wrote a couple of haikus. Rush Hour I’m just killing time Drawing smiley faces on Steamed-up bus windows.   Exercise in Futility …

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Now We’re Talking Team-Building!

Our department went to a baseball game last week, the Seattle Mariners versus the Texas Rangers. This plot was hatched last year, but we couldn’t find a suitable date for everyone to attend a day game then. We contributed for tickets, and our boss was generous enough to top off the fund so we could …

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A Question for Utility Companies

Why wait until there’s an ice or wind storm to trim branches away from overhead lines, especially if you don’t want to bear the expense of burying said lines? When we lived in North Carolina, we had two ice storms that cut power to our neighborhood for two days each. Some folks lost power for …

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