Category: Life in the Pacific Northwest


The bald eagle nesting pair who live on our street have decamped to their summer aerie. In the meantime, a pair of hawks have apparently taken up squatting in the nest. One hawk sat on a branch of the Douglas fir off our deck for over a half hour the other day. Julian took numerous …

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In Praise of Smaller Grocery Stores

I like to do our weekly shopping in larger supermarkets. They have the variety of produce and seafood I want. Some of them will cater to ethnic populations in their neighborhoods. But sometimes when I just need to get two or three items on the way home, smaller grocery stores will do the trick. Some …

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Streetus Interruptus

I mentioned the small number of bridges between downtown and north Seattle in an early post on The Montlake Mess. There are other “features” that drive new drivers in our area nuts. Chief among them: Streetus Interruptus. In theory, Seattle’s thoroughfares are set up as a grid. Streets run east-west, avenues run north-south. Then we …

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There’s no other way to put it, friends. The heat wave in the Pacific Northwest is unprecedented and ugly. It reminds me way too much of summers in Dallas – except in Dallas I had (mostly) central air conditioning and ceiling fans. Here at Casa Sammamish we have a floor unit air conditioner in the …

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The Slow Schlep Back

As America crawls its way out of the hole that Covid-19 and the initial botched response dug, Julian and I have celebrated a few landmarks. Vaccines? Check. No more shopping at “old folks hours?” Check, thankfully for Julian. Social gatherings in our home and others? Check, with fellow vaccinated people. Interstate travel? Check, for me. …

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Life with the Nag-O-Matic

Julian and I both have Apple Watches. He uses his more for the Apple Pay app – “Watches are so 20th century.” I use mine for activity monitoring, hence the name Nag-O-Matic. At 50 minutes of each hour, I get the message, “Time to stand.” If I’m in the office, I walk around for a …

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Sometimes the best-laid menu plans go awry. This afternoon I was busy repotting plants and taking the Grim Reaper (my little scythe) to some overgrown plants off the lower deck. Julian wisely asked, “Are you going to have time to make the bun bo Hue tonight? Why don’t you do the orecchiette and I’ll do …

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Downtown Jaunt

Julian wanted to get out of the house today. “How about we go downtown, get piroshkys, and eat them in the park?” There was a long line outside Piroshky Piroshky, so we went with plan B. The Seatown is a small iteration of local restaurateur Tom Douglas’s empire, now mostly shuttered due to the pandemic. …

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The Appliance Shuffle

In the six years since we bought Casa Sammamish, we’ve replaced the microwave/ventilation fan, range, refrigerator, rice cooker, espresso machine, sink, garbage disposal, gas grill, and coffee grinder. This means our dishwasher has a large target on it.

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Farm Girls Gotta Farm

Farming is the ultimate faith-based pursuit. Last year’s debacle (documented here) should have deterred me from further efforts. Nevertheless, I persist. Last week we went to Sky Nursery in search of herbs and other plants. It’s still a bit early to put peppers, basil, and such outside, so I restrained myself to hardier crops. I …

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