Category: Life in the Pacific Northwest

Can’t Drive Twenty-Five

The city of Seattle has imposed a 25 mph speed limit on most arterials (main drags) and 20 mph on side streets. While the goal of reducing pedestrian and bicycle fatalities is admirable, the speed limits will be almost universally ignored. We have firsthand experience of the futility of 25 mph speed limits. Our cul-de-sac …

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Another Closure

The New York Times published a list of restaurants nationwide that had closed because of Covid-19 closures. The list was, naturally, East Coast-centric until the last few entries. The one that really hurt was Pok Pok. We made that restaurant a regular stop on our trips to Portland. We even went to their outpost in …

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A Little Christmas

I was not in the mood for Christmas this year. I didn’t bother decorating. Shopping for presents in person was not a pleasant idea given the rising number of Covid-19 cases and the possibility of encountering infected virus deniers. I did do a quick dive into two stores for presents for my sister’s grandkids – …

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The Borscht that Keeps on Giving

Julian made a pot of borscht last night. He used a recipe out of Anya Von Bremzen’s Please to the Table. Borscht takes as many forms as there are Eastern European grandmas. There are light, summery borschts and heavy, wintery ones. This version was a hybrid. The broth wasn’t thick, but there were plenty of …

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The Chain of Cranes

I noticed a chain of origami paper cranes tied to a footbridge in the park across the street from our home. A note was attached to the chain. The cranes were folded in memory of an emergency room nurse who died of COVID-19. We’ve gone to the bridge twice since our initial discovery. The chain …

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Signed, Sealed, Delivered, Counted

Julian put our ballots in the drop box at Bothell City Hall last week. They were received at the Board of Elections on Monday, and had been counted on Wednesday. If you haven’t submitted your mail-in ballot yet, I strongly suggest that you take it to an official drop box. The Postal Service has had …

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The Work from Home Blues

I know, I should be thankful to have a job where I can work from home. However, seven months of working from home with no end in sight can get anyone squirrelly. You know you’ve been working from home for too long when: Business casual attire is clean pajamas or sweats. Casual Friday attire is …

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Soupy Weather

The fall onslaught of rain has begun here. We’re supposed to have back to back to back storms that are predicted to dump an inch of rain each. This afternoon’s storm had thunder, lightning, and hail. These are not usually part of fall rain in the Seattle area. When the weather turns soupy, my thoughts …

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A Hairy Situation

What’s up with all of the beards I’ve seen during the pandemic? Have razors become the latest shortage? Politicians like Ted Cruz and Rand Paul, although Paul subsequently got rid of his. (One unruly mop of hair on his head was probably enough.) Football players. Apple Store employees. The preponderance of facial hair can make …

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Requiem for Summer

Autumn arrived with a deluge right on the equinox. It rained most of the week. The Sun finally peeked out late on Friday. The plants on the upper deck are waterlogged. I think I’ve harvested the last padron peppers of the season. The tomatillo and golden berry plants did nothing. I should probably finish off …

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