Category: Life in the Pacific Northwest


Arts organizations have had a rough time during this pandemic. Our spring Seattle Symphony concerts were canceled. We signed up for this season’s concerts back in March, before we knew that Covid-19 would hang around in the fall. Our first concert is tonight, but we won’t be going to Benaroya Hall for it. We will …

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Bummer Summer

This has been the summer of our discontent here in the Northwest. The pandemic threw any vacation plans into the dumpster. Now we have wildfires up and down the West Coast. The nearest fire to us is in Enumclaw, in southern King County; however, easterly winds are carrying smoke from the other side of the …

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Pandemic Plans

“The best laid schemes o’ Mice an’ Men Gang aft agley,An’ lea’e us nought but grief an’ pain, For promis’d joy!” – Robert Burns, To a Mouse “Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans.” – John Lennon, Beautiful Boy The pandemic threw many plans into the abyss. Our vacation to …

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Supermarket Slog

In the days of Covid-19, it’s preferable to get in and out of public spaces quickly. So why are grocery stores still hellbent on making your shopping trip as long as possible, potentially exposing their workers to a larger virus load? I went to a nearby supermarket this morning to get a few things. I …

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Get (Neuro) Fuzzy

As I mentioned in an earlier post, the small kitchen appliance that we use the most is the rice cooker. We bought our simple on-off device 17 years ago for $50. It’s served us long and well. I’d say that paying $3 a year for an appliance that’s used 3 times a week was a …

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Social Distancing Woodinville Style

Seen on my bike ride earlier in the week: As I mentioned in an earlier post, Woodinville hosts a Basset Bash in normal years. Alas, this is not a normal year.

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Primary Follies

Washington has vote by mail elections for all offices and initiatives. They work very well. One can sit at the dining room table with beverage of choice and the Voters’ Guide. This year my primary Voters’ Guide-reading beverage may be iced tea spiked with Everclear, for reasons that will soon become apparent. Although our final …

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Welcome to Februly

It was a cold, wet spring here. Many wags took to calling last month Junuary. This morning I heard the furnace kick on. I thought, “What the…?!? It’s July 1!” So if last month was Junuary, this month is Februly. I daresay when the heat and drought descend in August, we’ll miss the cool weather.

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Desperate Times Indeed

For the average armchair sports fan, COVID-19 has been disastrous. No baseball. No NBA playoffs or WNBA games. Limited soccer. An auto race or two. The Belmont Stakes. This afternoon Julian was channel-surfing and discovered a new televised “sport”: The National Cornhole Championship. Cornhole, for the non-cognoscenti, consists of throwing a beanbag at a slanted …

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