Category: Life in the Pacific Northwest

Iron Chef Casa Sammamish

We’d bought some sockeye salmon on sale yesterday and I was puzzling over how to cook it. Julian suggested an Iron Chef challenge. For those of you who are reading this from a television-less bunker, Iron Chef is a cooking competition that originated in Japan where the host unveils a “secret ingredient” that has to …

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My Little Farm

It took a while, but this year’s upper deck farm is coming into shape. Two weeks ago I bought a hanging pot of mini tomatoes. Miracle of miracles, I have 3 tiny green tomatoes on the plant. As I’ve mentioned before, growing tomatoes is a faith-based venture here. My next door neighbor planted some tomatoes …

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Be Still, My Heart!

We ventured out to Central Market for the first time in a month to get groceries. We’ve eaten down much of the stockpile in the freezer and ordered some necessities on line; therefore, it was time to replenish necessities and a few luxuries. The market had sacks of mini sweet red peppers on sale. I …

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The Swimming Eagle

I’m always amazed at the wildlife behaviors we see at Casa Sammamish. This morning I saw one of our neighborhood eagles fishing on the other side of the river from our home. Suddenly it jumped into the water and started swimming. Yes, friends, eagles swim. Badly. They stroke with their wings, a cross between flailing …

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Social Distancing Demonstration

I was on virtual happy hour with my Cornell classmates yesterday when Julian took this picture of Luka practicing social distancing: In contrast, here’s a photo I took last week of Neli doing quite the opposite:

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Bad News, Good News

Julian was compiling a list of items to order from Amazon/Whole Foods. He came upstairs while I was working on some bread dough. “I have bad news and good news,” he said. “The bad news is there’s no unbleached all-purpose flour to be had.” “What’s the good news?” I asked. “Caffe d’Arte is still shipping …

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Tonight’s Festive Repast

We ventured out for groceries mid-day today and stocked up on staples. This was several hours before Washington’s Governor put the state on stay at home orders. Julian put a rack of ribs into the cart and decided to smoke them for dinner tonight. He used the tried and true recipe with a homemade western …

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The New Abnormal

Washington is in near lockdown, as are many other states, due to Covid-19. Restaurants and bars are closed except for takeout. (“Hey, bartender, I need a Malayan Fog Cutter to go.”) Schools, community centers, and gyms are closed. Events are canceled. Hospitals and nursing homes are limiting or prohibiting visitors. Elective surgeries are canceled to …

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Life and Food in the Time of COVID-19

We live less than three miles from the epicenter of the COVID-19 outbreak in Washington. Responses of locals range from que sera, sera to full-tilt freakout. I’m trying to hew to a middle path. My primary concession to the outbreak is to drive to work rather than take the bus on days when I don’t …

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New Year, New Gemisches

For a change, we hosted the New Year’s Eve celebration. It was low-key and broke up well before midnight. (Blame my farm girl genes and my 5:30 am swim for that.) The menu was paella with chicken and Spanish chorizo, sous vide parsnips, salad, crusty bread, and chocolate cake. As an appetizer, I made bacon …

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