Category: Life in the Pacific Northwest

Seattle’s Newest Park

It’s not much to look at. It’s just a small sliver of beachfront off the Burke-Gilman Trail. It’s not readily accessible by car. However, the NE 130th Street End Park now belongs to the city after a long battle. You can read about it in this Seattle Times article.   The Save the Beach campaign …

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Snow Belt versus Seattle Cars

I grew up in the Snow Belt of upstate New York, where it snows eight months of the year (if you’re lucky). My trip Back East last week reminded me how different vehicle types and conditions are between Seattle and the Syracuse area. Some of it is necessity; others, preference. Here are the main differences: …

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Summer in the City

I’ve mentioned several times that Seattle doesn’t do winter well. We can now add hot weather to the climes that Seattle doesn’t do well. I had a conference down at the airport. Getting down there via bus and light rail was easy. Getting back, on the other hand… The train was slow in arriving and …

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Our Garden, 2019 Edition

It was a brutal winter, with two weeks of snow and ice. Most of the ferns and ajugas in the planter boxes were pretty beaten up. The surviving ferns were planted on a bare strip of ground near the entry, along with three new ferns. One ajuga is barely holding on; the others were dispatched …

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For My Nephew

I saw this car on my way downtown to catch the bus home on Friday. My nephew has been interested in moths and butterflies since he was a kid. So, Randy, this is for you.

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Happy Mount St. Helens Day!

Where were you when Mount St. Helens erupted in 1980? I was living in Dallas when the bulletin interrupted Charles Kuralt’s Sunday morning show. The iconic picture of the mountain blowing its top is seared into my memory. My grad school roommate grew up in Pullman, in southeastern Washington. Her school was actually closed for …

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Sign at Pike Place Market

Proof that the state of nutrition education among the masses is sadly lacking. I told a coworker about this sign and she admitted that her husband did not know what a carb was when they began going out together. She’s since schooled him.

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Dining Out on the Dental Diet

After a week of mostly liquid meals, Julian is slowly adding soft foods to his diet. We’ve had baked salmon and Thai curry with cod. Yesterday we went to Bellevue. Julian suggested having dim sum for lunch. “Some of those dumplings should work with my teeth,” he said. For the uninitiated, dim sum are little …

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Crane Crash

Seattle has had more construction cranes than any major city for several years. Today’s crane collapse was in an intersection that I go through every day when I commute on the bus. An Audi was nearly cut in half by a piece of the crane. Miraculously, the individuals in that car escaped with their lives. …

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