Category: Nutrition and Health

Covid Clogs in the Health Care Pipeline

The Covid-19 pandemic has taken a heavy toll on health care. Rural and urban hospitals alike are struggling with high amounts of sick patients and lack of staff to care for them. This has adverse effects on everyone in need of care, whether vaccinated or not. Consider the example of a 60-year-old who needs a …

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Life with the Nag-O-Matic

Julian and I both have Apple Watches. He uses his more for the Apple Pay app – “Watches are so 20th century.” I use mine for activity monitoring, hence the name Nag-O-Matic. At 50 minutes of each hour, I get the message, “Time to stand.” If I’m in the office, I walk around for a …

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Two Hundred Fifty Thousand

The United States has surpassed 250,000 deaths directly attributable to COVID-19. This nation is number one in the number of cases and mortalities – unenviable statistics. While finger-pointing has gone on since the beginning of the pandemic, I believe blame needs to be placed where it properly belongs. I do not blame the virus. It’s …

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On “Cooking”

You’ve probably seen the ads for home-delivered ingredients that you construct into dinner, or pre-packaged meals that you microwave or cook in a special oven. The concept of prefab meals is common in weight loss programs such as Jenny Craig or Nutrisystem. However, the new companies are targeted toward busy families. The selling points of …

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Life and Food in the Time of COVID-19

We live less than three miles from the epicenter of the COVID-19 outbreak in Washington. Responses of locals range from que sera, sera to full-tilt freakout. I’m trying to hew to a middle path. My primary concession to the outbreak is to drive to work rather than take the bus on days when I don’t …

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Sign at Pike Place Market

Proof that the state of nutrition education among the masses is sadly lacking. I told a coworker about this sign and she admitted that her husband did not know what a carb was when they began going out together. She’s since schooled him.

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Dining Out on the Dental Diet

After a week of mostly liquid meals, Julian is slowly adding soft foods to his diet. We’ve had baked salmon and Thai curry with cod. Yesterday we went to Bellevue. Julian suggested having dim sum for lunch. “Some of those dumplings should work with my teeth,” he said. For the uninitiated, dim sum are little …

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Milk versus Milk

Full disclosure: I am a dairy farmer’s granddaughter. Most of our neighbors when I was growing up had dairy farms. As an animal science major, I worked on dairy research and had to collect milk samples at the Cornell Teaching and Research Center at 4 in the morning for two weeks for one experiment. Now …

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Preferred (Food) Porn

As I mentioned earlier, I subscribe to a plethora of foodie magazines. I have trimmed the number over the years, as some failed to keep my interest or (as in the case of Gourmet) ceased publication. Here’s the current roster. Bon Appétit. I’ve subscribed to this one longer than any other periodical. My interest in …

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Food Deserts in Farm Country

A friend of mine liked a post on LinkedIn about a grocery store opening in his town northeast of Boston. This, and a trip to my hometown, got me thinking about food deserts and how they may be more prevalent in rural areas than in cities. What’s a food desert? It’s an urban neighborhood that’s …

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